Pickup recommendations


Jan 29, 2012
Hey people,

I have a cheap Ibanez 7 string that I inherited recently and I'd like to try to get the best possible tones from it. The stock pickups are pretty nasty sounding so I was wondering if some of you good people of the Sneap forum could post some recommendations or testimonials (not the infomercial kind ;)) about 7 string pick ups that you think sound awesome.

Thanks in advance :)
Basswood body, locking trem? I'd look at the SH-6 for chunky rhythm. Evos if you play mainly leads or a Dimarzio Norton7 for a modern/vintage 'roidraging PAF'-tone. Neck PUs: Evo/Liquifire for Lead, Sh-2 Jazz for warm Cleans, sh-5 custom or Dimarzio PAF Pro for more classic tones.
I have a jazz neck in a basswood ESP and I definitely wouldn't describe it as warm, I'm fact it's so bright I could play distorted rhythm with it and no one would know. Great pickup though.
I find basswood to be rather picky with pickups, try to avoid pickups with a lot of mids and good bass as basswood has a slight mid spike, and a neutered bass response. I'd say the Duncan distortion is the worst thing I've ever heard in basswood, as it all mids and treble. If you dont want to spend on bare knuckles dimarzio sound much better for your guitar, crunch lab/liquifire would be good, don't have any experience with them though. If you want to spend extra, the miracle man and cold sweat are superb in basswood.
The blaze is what Petrucci used to use in his Ibanez seven strings, thats the 7 string version of the steve's special right? Sounds amazing in his rig.