What passive 7 string humbucker I should test?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey dudes :kickass:

I´ll go to the Rock Shop today and I wanna buy a new humbucker for my Ibanez s-series 7 string. Have you some recommendations for me, so I could define my search a bit more. Some people in the workshop said, I should avoid using active pick ups for this Ibanez guitar.

I have 2 signal chains, what is important for me:

Unknown pickup - Marshall JVM205h - Mesa Rectifier 4x12

Unknown Pickup - Krank Revolution Jr. - Mesa Rectifier 4x12

Sound preference is definitively sneapesque. Doomsday Machine, TGE, these are my fave tones.

Any recommendations?
I have dimarzio Blaze7's in my Universe i think they have a great sound for a passive. Loads of bite when hooked up to my 5150.
I haven't got too much experience with passive pick ups so I doubt I can be much of a help. I had a JB in my guitar before installing EMGs and they where quite good but kinda muddy. Personally I'm going to try out the new petrucci dimarzio pickups called "crunch lab" in my new guitar which will arrive in a few days. Can't tell if they can do the "sneapesque" sound but judging from the latest DT album you can get some pretty tight tones.
Thank you Keregioz!

Well yeah, I really like the tone of the last DT album, so I´ll give this a try! :) What do you think about the seymor & duncan humbuckers for 7 string? So far I heared quite bad things about it.
I would go for a DiMarzio Evolution, just really diggin that pickup
especially on 7 strings. Collin from Vile used it on their last album
on his 7 string Ibanez.
The Drop Sonic is not that bad, too, not sure if it's avaiable for 7 strings.
What do you think about the seymor & duncan humbuckers for 7 string? So far I heared quite bad things about it.

Like I said, I had seymour duncan JB & 59 in my C7 originally. The escalation demo CD, the link for which you can find in my signature, was recorded with these. They're certainly not bad pick ups but I think EMGs are more suitable for the tone I want. They were kinda muddy/loose compared to EMGs, I don't know if that's the case in general with passive pick ups.
The D-Sonic is pretty damn cool. There's also a newer version of it called the Crunchlab that's supposed to be the goat's tits.
This is the Sneap forum, not sevenstring.org... should be objective, not falling for hype...

Honestly, Lundgren and Bare Knuckle make fine pickups, but for the price they're no better than any other passive pickup company...

I would dissagree with this statement on the Bare Knuckles. I find that Dimarzio and Seymore Duncan are not very consistent in tone. For example I have 2 Ibanez RG's that have a Paf PROs in the bridge and they sounds VERY different. The guitars are setup strung and built to the same specs.

My Bareknuckles are very consistent from guitar to guitar. I have a 6 string miracle man in my Les Paul which sounds closer to the Miracle mans in my 7 string then the 2 Ibanez's do. In the 90s I had 2 Les Pauls with duncan JBs and both sounded very different, even when the pickups were swapped int he same guitar.

Everything is personal preference. I love my Bare Knuckles in my 7 string and my Les Paul but to me they dont sound as good in My Ibanez guitars, at least to me they dont.

I have tested nearly 100 differnet pickups over the years everything from Lace to Duncans, EMG to Dimarzio and even some odd balls like WB's 7 Rockfield. I am a big fan of the bare Knuckles based on my tonal tastes and what sounds good in my guitars. im not one of these 7string.org guys. Although I do have an account there I have not logged on in quite a long time

The only way to truly tell is to get a bunch of different pickups and play them in YOUR guitar till you find what you like.
My other guitar player had bareknuckles in his Universe and it didn't sound too great to us. He put an Evo7 in there and now it sounds much better.

Bareknuckles make good stuff but it is hard to find a good sound with them at times (I think anyway). The Evo just seemd to straight up have a lot more tone and sound a lot thicker. Something about the bareknuckles seemed a little stale/loose/not enough gain (and don't say there was something wrong, because there wasn't, and we're talking a boosted recto here).

Try out a few different pickups in your guitar if you can man. :)
I have a few sets of Bareknuckles, and I think they're significantly better than DiMarzios, which are my preference as far as commonly available pickups. It's possible that the BKPs in that Universe were just a bad model for that guitar and your/his tastes. I have one set that I'm not sure I like overall in the guitar it's in, and another guitar I have with DiMarzios currently sounds better overall. My best sounding guitar has BKPs in it, though.

I really doubt Bare Knuckles or Lundgrens will be available at the store he went to, so it's kind of moot to discuss them too much in this thread. It's also probably pretty unnecessary to get the really high end stuff when he's apparently just getting his feet wet in the 7-string pickup market. Once he tries a few different things, he'll actually have more of an idea of what he likes and dislikes, and he'll be able to make a better choice on the more expensive stuff, should he decide he has any desire at all to go that route.