Pickups: Help me pick one!


Mar 27, 2007
Pickups: Help me pick one! :erk:

EMG 81

Seymour Duncan JB

Dimarzio D Sonic

Dimarzio X2N
If you were gonna go dimarzio I would go with the Evolution over the other 2.

Personally I would probably go with and 81.
I'd say it depends on the sound you want. Everyone has their preferences- some like the duncan sound, some the dimarzio, some the emg. From what I've heard, blackouts are an improved emg but I haven't tried em yet. From personal experience I can tell you that the jb sounds great for leads but can be too flubby on the lows for rhythm. Emg 81 has sort of the opposite problem- very tight and clear but somewhat clinical and harsh in the highs. Right now I'm actually using a low output pup with fantastic results- duncan jazz bridge, a very very versatile and clear sounding pickup. Goes to show you can get good results in less conventional places as well.
If you're down for less conventional brands, I have "mighty mite motherbuckers" in my les paul copy and am very happy with them. I think they are best described as a PAF Pro with more output.
pickups are one of those things you absolutely have to play them first hand to know what you want...some people get great tones using pickups i absolutely hate

when you play the right one, you'll know it

if i absolutely had to give a blind reccomendation tho...get an 81 & 85 with the quick connect system, that way you can swap them both out; just about anyone can find something they really like between the two of them