pics from our ghosthunt last night

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
so, as i said a while back, GHOST HUNT! we toured this house that is haunted by many spirits supposedly, it has a weird history blah blah blah. a skeleton was found when they laid the foundation of the house, a mean family once lived there, etc....GHOST PICS! and these aren't your common lens flares. every camera that comes in the house picks up multitudes of these things. if they were lens flares it is probable they would have been in every single pic we took. so here we go:

somewhat opaque orb against the brick wall

chrome's sister's boyfriend billy looking up, and something looking back at him

orb on the left, following me down the stairs

creepy orb in the creepy bathroom, above the hanging dress. the people that study this house have a super sensitive dog and he will NEVER go in this bathroom

at least six there

several there, coming in or going out

that orb knows chrome is sexy

top left of the doorway

we were told about the ghost of a little girl seen kneeling and crying in this closet, and i got a pic of this orb. the t-shirt is intentionally dirty looking but theres an orb there

keeping a watchful eye out heehee


the people that study the house regularly have gotten moving orbs on video, pic of vortex trying to get into the cheesy poofs, a black vortex, etc. she was once choked by something and the guy took a pic and she had some energy around her head going up her nose lol, and another guy that studies the house was once pulled across the floor. nothin like that happened to us, however when we first walked through the house i thought i distinctly heard someone behind me say my name. billy was behind me and i turned around to scowl at him but he's not one to do something like that to me, didn't sound like him either.
i'm about to go to bed. if i tell the hand story now i'll freak myself out and won't be able to sleep. i'll tell it by tomorrow's sunlight
hmm...ghosts are sexy. and delicious! at first I thought the orbs could just be spots on the camera ora glare or sumthin like that, but since you said that the orbs were caught on tape floating around, and had sex... that kinda took away my theory...damn. Orb Scandel 2, only $10.95,not found in any stores, call NOW!!! 1-orb-scandel (1-672-722-6335) = ) .....and yes those are the right numbers for the letters... I've got too much time on my hands...

ALSO! on the sexxxy picture, in the lamp shade there is a guy in it. CRAZY SHIT MAN! I'm not jokin take a ponder, u'll see it.
i've always been a skeptic about "ghosts". but then again, they can't hurt us, so they don't bug me.
sure thing mark!
OK THE HAND STORY!!! first of all, this happened in my grandma's house which has been a very haunted place since the 1950's, not as haunted these days because of the billion cats there, but yeah. i have numerous stories i could tell from that house. alright, so i was about 8 i guess, spending the night at my grandma's house. so me, my brother, and my grandma were sleeping on the sofabed in the den(the most haunted room in the house) and i woke up, TOTALLY AWAKE and saw this creepy dark hand with long fingers coming up from under the bed, pointing to the north wall of the room. instantly i hid my face in total disbelief and woke my grandma up. of course she didn't believe me. but it was there dammit1! i didn't even look to see what might have been in the direction it was pointing. but damn. then, i think this was even before i saw the hand, my brother was in the kitchen (direct view of his bedroom door) and he saw the door open and a hand throw the cat out of his room that was in there. same hand? hmmmmm.
when my mom was a little girl she'd have stuff thrown at her in the den by a poltergeist. the ceiling fan in the den would turn on and off by itself. and as a small small child i saw two ghostly kids on the roof of her house, above where the den would be. my guess is that the kids are buried way under ground in that spot, and it was them trying to get my mom's attention as a little girl, since they are kids themselves. and once when my mom was a girl and very sickly, a force blew open the locked front door(without damaging the lock), turned the corner and went down the hallway, and blew out the back bathroom oh well, those are just a few things that have happened in that house. i need to shower and eat something so i'll stop here.