PICTURES from the San Diego, Anaheim and San Francisco gigs!


Photo Mistress
Uuuuuuuuuuugh. Well, Fredrik (webmaster of Swedish Metal) is still too busy to post the photos, so I found a temporary place to post them. KEEP IN MIND... They will look a bit shittier on this site AND the photos cannot be clicked on to be the actual bigger size. Some pictures appear small, some larger. Hmph. BUT it is something at least until they get posted on the site. To see them do this:

Go to , then on the left side, type in "advent" for the member user name. :D Hope this will tie you guys over until later.

If you still want to see some pictures from last years' different tours, let me know. I know some of you haven't seen them as you are newer here.
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Great pictures! Thanks a ton squeak. It's always cool to see/have pictures that you know were taken at the show you went attended...
holy shit. Awesome pictures..especially the ones where Peter is smiling. Man, mine are so far away.
Those pictures are great!
Is it just me, or does Mikael really love that black, stripey, short sleeved shirt?
He wore it to the Vancouver show too :D
are those it?

for the san diego show?

:erk: is there any pictured with other people in it??
i dont want to sound like too much of an asshole... but i see nothing special in those pics.. theyre just band pictures... they tell nothing about san diego.. or canes.. and the people there..
The Poona of Peshwa said:
Wow, Per's got almost as much hair as Mendez.

Per looks like a cool guy, I remember not liking his backing vox much on the damnation tour, but i'll have to give him another chance

plus, spiritual beggars are pretty good!
Some great shots from the lovely Miss Squeak! :)

Only problem with the Canes pictures (and this is the fault of Canes because of their stage design, not the photographer's) is that it always looks like the bands are playing in the backyard of somebody's house on the east coast, or something, especially with the windows in the background! :D

As to Mikael's shirt, I think he may have a bunch of them just for performing. I've never seen him in any live photos without that style of shirt and he's worn it every time that I've seen Opeth play.
Thanks for the great compliments!!! ;) I agree about all the pictures seeming like they are in someones backyard at Canes. All those pics from all the gigs were INSANELY difficult to take because of the lighting. It was such a bitch and it was pissing me off because these photos didn't turn out as well as the ones from last year.

@Foul - I didn't get any pics of San Diego because I took some last time (of the beach and whatnot). I didn't have time to go looking around San Diego, it was a lot of driving as is. The people at Cane's do not let you take photos of things around the club (most clubs don't) unless band members/patrons are in it. The band and fans want band photos, so that's what I took. Sorry you don't like them.

And yes, Mikael LOVES that striped shirt. Most of the photos I have of him from the different tours has him with that shirt on. :lol: But it looks good, so it's okay.

Let me explain something though so people don't get mad or think I'm a bitch or something. I made it so that you cannot copy the pictures because I have had people in the past take my pics and use them and say THEY took them. Or used them on a website without telling me or putting my name on it. And many other things like that. That's why I prevented the right-click-save thing. I will send a few pics to people that I trust or know ONLY. I hate to have to do that, but Squeak doesn't like to get screwed over. :( Mr Neil and Anti, PM me.
very kooooo. I was at the anahiem show to the left above the stage.. within spitting distance of peter and mikeal.. what a great show that was. I will always remember it. I got the whole place laughing when Mikeal said to no-one in particular "what you guys following us around?' in response to people yelling out what the next song would be.. and I yelled out.. 'no, we read the internet.. and the whole place started laughing.. hehehehe... anyhow.. great show.. thx for the pics.


oh..btw.. I also yelled out squeak a couple times.. but got no response.. .. =[ oh well.. perhaps next time.