PICTURES from the SAN FRANCISCO gig in November 2003


Photo Mistress
Okay, Fredrik (Swedish Metal webmaster) is still very busy at the moment and hasn't yet had the time to post these on the site. SOOOOOOOOO, instead of making you guys wait much longer, I posted them on a temporary site. I hope you like them!!! Let me know. :p To get there, do this:

Go to , and on the left where it asks you the member album you want to look at, type BodomChildren. :D On the top of that page, you can use the "slide" option so you don't have to click on each individual picture.
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Edit - Awesome pics, did you take these? i like that black and white touch.
Thanks for the great compliments, everyone!!! You guys really know how to stroke a low ego. :D I agree, Roope always looks drunk in his pictures. :lol:

Yes, I took all these pics. They are black and white because very very few photographers do black and white. I love it and so do the bands, and it makes mine different.

I also love the picture where alexi and janne are facing each other. :p I almost didn't get that photo, either.

It was very, very difficult to take these pictures that night, so I'm REALLY happy with the way they turned out. I was crossing my fingers the whole time. I will post my Nevermore pics and Dimmu pics from the show soon as well. I just posted my Opeth pics too. Been friggin' busy. I'm going to go develop my Hypocrisy/CC pics today as well.