Pictures of those going to Progpower!!

I'm obviously the dude in the middle, this is my most recent pic with bud Steve S and Alexi L. That was a great show btw!!

BTW if anyone wants to check out some of my previous PPUSA pics click on my linky at the bottom and navigate to Images :headbang:


<--- me in the icon. Not that I'm not relatively easy to spot; I got a number of "hey aren't you"s last year.
tattooedsean666 said:
looks nervously around the room if bryant comes nearby knowing if the tattooed one says the wrong thing about bryant's favorite bands, it might just be the end of the tattooed one.:ill:

Ha ha ha actually I am quite the passivist unless I drink tequila (or 151) and I stay awy from that stuff. I do believe in home protection though. If someone gets past my five dogs and my 12 gauge, they can have anything you want from my house.

quote from Dargor "Bryant looks like a crazy alabama sterotype"

Yep and I own two pickup trucks as well and of course one doesn't run. I also have about ten various Alabama Crimson Tide baseball caps as well as tees etc. It's a law to state your allegiance around these parts, especially when I only live about 20 miles from Auburn Alabama. In fact, if you look close enough in the picture you can see one of my caps. You don't live in Alabama for 36 years and not pick up at least a few redneck traits. The good thing about my area though is that most ofthe "rednecks" listen to Southern rock and classic rock which is much better than having to tolerate country when at my favorite local swimming hole.

LuCinda said:
And the last pic with Bryant, Harumi and Anne Marie is Greg and myself. Check out the post I submitted on the Whose Staying at the Granada thread and you'll understand from this picture why I said we're arriving a day early and staying a day later this year....HAHA!

Hopefully (knock on wood) all of my bones will be in one piece this year and I'll be without the wheelchair. :err: Harumi might not have much energy though. She is carrying Bryant or Harumi Jr. :D She's about nine or ten weeks pregnant.

Bryant said:
I think he looks a bit like ummm..... crap... Evergrey's lead vocalist whose name escapes me at the moment.


Tom Englund

Don't worry my drummer is becoming a redneck more and more. He had to live with his dad during the summer who is a redneck and next thing you know he watches Nascar! I probably have my redneck moments too.
Me and a couple of ProgPower groupies...


Hehe...I wish...Actually thats Linda on the left and Tess on the right both very cool chics. I'll be coming in on Wednesday with my buddy Jeff to pre-pre party with Linda and whoever else wants to start in on the festivities early. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new people and having a great time as always...anyone else meeting on Wed?

Hey Aaron! Nice groupies ;) I'll be arriving Wednesday afternoon with a few friends - maybe we can all hook up at some point.

Here's a pic of me with Krusty and Ralf from the BWBK festival last year.

Alicia (that's me, in the middle...:p )
Groupies huh?? LOL
I think I lost that pic after I sent it to you. I look forward to hanging with
old prog friends.

PS - Progmaiden - those are really cool pics you posted.