Pictures of those going to Progpower!!

Hey guys, first of all you need to let up on rottingflesh. She is not now nor ever has been someone that you are implying. I have been posting at this board for a while and it really really really angers me that you would slam someone so unnecessarily like her. It makes me almost want to never come back here. Can you guys please grow up and take peoples feelings into consideration before you post? Thank you!
All Shane was asking if you were Lucho's friend? How does that get turned into anything else, what a bunch of kids we have on this boards. lighten the fuck up because you all read to much into it.

I know Shane, hope you all do to, you know the guy that busts his ass to put on the Pre Show party. Geeeeeeeeeezzz

BTW Q , I want to know where anything was said that made you come to you weak ass conclusion that anything out of line was said? Where the hell is the slam? What a joke.

First of all, I wasn't slamming anyone. At all. And the only thing that the posted picture did was remind me of someone that Lucho introduced me to last year. So I asked. Unbelievable... If I offended anyone, it was not my intention.

Thanks Bear. Much props. And Dargor... ??? Not following you..

There was only one person getting slammed here, and that was me. For asking a question... Go figure.
Shane, it was dargormudsharks comment that is upsetting. I apologize and should have clarified that statement. Bear, there are things going on here that I cannot say. All I ask is that you understand that I am doing what I strongly feel is in the interestes of a very good friend of mine. My intention was never to make Shane feel slammed at all. Please understand and lets move on.
The_Q said:
Shane, it was dargormudsharks comment that is upsetting. I apologize and should have clarified that statement. Bear, there are things going on here that I cannot say. All I ask is that you understand that I am doing what I strongly feel is in the interestes of a very good friend of mine. My intention was never to make Shane feel slammed at all. Please understand and lets move on.

No harm done Q. And I'm sure that Dargor meant harm either.

We're moving!!! :) Less than a month to go!!
I did not mean to imply anything, I just got the wrong message from Dargor...I do not know if I met you or not, I actually think I met you through Troy Tipton if anyone... I am going through a hard time and come here sometimes to read all of the the things from the good people of Progpower - that is all.
I don't know how many days I will make it but I do look forward to seeing the few people I do know. I am very shy sometimes so it is hard for me to meet new people.... my friends Kathy and James usually meet all of the people... :)
rottingflesh said:
I don't know how many days I will make it but I do look forward to seeing the few people I do know. I am very shy sometimes so it is hard for me to meet new people.... my friends Kathy and James usually meet all of the people... :)
If your a friend of Troy's your a friend of mine :loco: Love the Tipton bro's!!!

Well let me reiterate. I know Jay and Troy, I used to take lessons from Jay. As for your comment, I think I would have to meet ya first :hotjump::loco::D but yeah I probably would!, I am a pretty friendly dude :headbang:

:OMG: Um my bad, so many people, so little time, such a bad memory LOL. How can I have not recalled that? You do look familiar however. My appologies :worship:

well, i forget people all of the time..i am very bad with faces..i actually do not forget them, i just need a nudge from time to time. hell, i met a member of my favorite band one night in a small bar and i thought he worked there... DUH!!!!
shreddy said:
This be I.

Hey, I remember you from last year. Dee & Kerri's room with Evergrey?
The_Q said:
Shane, it was dargormudsharks comment that is upsetting. I apologize and should have clarified that statement. Bear, there are things going on here that I cannot say. All I ask is that you understand that I am doing what I strongly feel is in the interestes of a very good friend of mine. My intention was never to make Shane feel slammed at all. Please understand and lets move on.
Q dude, I wanted to appologize for coming back a bit abrasive. I have been enlightened. I also still didn't see what was so wrong, something was said out of context, but no one should let something that small on a message board bother you or anyone, specially if they do not know you in person. Thats my 2 cents on that matter.

I'll buy you a Mt.Dew at PPUSA if I run into you
