Pictures of those going to Progpower!!

I remember you too now that I see your pic.

Yeah I hang out with the guys from Evergrey. They're all great guys and very cool they remember me since the first PPand the BWBK fests. I've got lots of stories of those guys.

Last year when they were doing their signings in the bar area Tom see's me and yells out "Hey its Mike Portnoy" the drummer looks at me and says "I need to talk to you" they all started to laugh as they explained to him I'm not Portnoy.

The coolest was having Michael tell me he was at work (at a record shop) and said he saw the DSG cd and said hey I know that guy.

I see MPB from the BWBK forum is here, DrumRman and Bear are my bros from, Alicia from every PPUSA and I know I've seen Aaron about 20 times all over the place. Aaron your from Chicago right?

Yeah Shreddy I heard you play kazoo pretty damn good, some would even say you are a Kazoo shredder

See you in a few weeks dude, when you gettting into Atlanta?

DrumRman said:
Yeap I decided to ditch it last month. Havent heard an ounce of news from the band in months, and seeing that they already have an official site, I found it pointless to drop money on the site any longer. On top of that the forum was pathetic.

Be on the lookout for a new webzine im in the process of putting together. The url will be..

Thanks for the kind words man I appreciate it.

Doh !! Well you tried dude. I will try and look out for the new zine, but I'm typically not big on webzines. My taste is pretty bizzarre. I'm not a fan of any metal genre yet I like bands from most all.

rottingflesh said:

You aren't going to like this reply...... but you scare me. You look almost like my ex-wife. That's not a put down.... as my ex-wife is an attractive woman, but it's just a bit freaky. My ex turned into a Christian and seeing a likeness of her at a concert would be odd to say the least. Hey BlackDiamond..... don't she look a lot like K-girl ?
By the way, don't get freaked out about this post. I realize there are lot of... ahem... strange people out there but I am only strange in the sense that I am brutally honest and say what is on my mind. I am a veteran of PP and others here can assure you I am harmless. I just thought it was odd to see the likeness of my ex-wife going to PP.

MetalRose said:

Notice who I was with in my first picture? You should recognize at least one of those people!

Yep, I thought that was Jeff. :tickled: :worship: I'm really pissed we're not having them back at Dragon*Con this year. :hotjump:

I think those guys have way too much fun with Bella Morte....and vice-versa. :p
NobleKnight said:
Me and a couple of ProgPower groupies...


Hehe...I wish...Actually thats Linda on the left and Tess on the right both very cool chics. I'll be coming in on Wednesday with my buddy Jeff to pre-pre party with Linda and whoever else wants to start in on the festivities early. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new people and having a great time as always...anyone else meeting on Wed?

Yah, that's me. I'm the groupie on the right. I can't believe it's PP time again already!
Pellaz said:
Yep, I thought that was Jeff. :tickled: :worship: I'm really pissed we're not having them back at Dragon*Con this year. :hotjump:

I think those guys have way too much fun with Bella Morte....and vice-versa. :p

Did you hear the story of TLD, the blow up sheep and invading BellaMorte's set? I though I'd die laughing.

Ya know what... I'm going to bring a copy of their show for you.... I taped the whole thing.

The_Q said:
Shane, it was dargormudsharks comment that is upsetting. I apologize and should have clarified that statement. Bear, there are things going on here that I cannot say. All I ask is that you understand that I am doing what I strongly feel is in the interestes of a very good friend of mine. My intention was never to make Shane feel slammed at all. Please understand and lets move on.

I didn't mean any harm by it, I just got confused.
What's the record for youngest person at Progpower, anyway? The first picture is me last year when I was 17...anyway, these be me. Yar. And in the second one, the photographer said "pretend you're a gang member", so don't blame me for the stupidity. ;)



I hope someday to meet somebody like the guy in the picture above me. Seriously, it would warm my soul.
shreddy said:
I remember you too now that I see your pic.

Yeah I hang out with the guys from Evergrey. They're all great guys and very cool they remember me since the first PPand the BWBK fests. I've got lots of stories of those guys.

Last year when they were doing their signings in the bar area Tom see's me and yells out "Hey its Mike Portnoy" the drummer looks at me and says "I need to talk to you" they all started to laugh as they explained to him I'm not Portnoy.

The coolest was having Michael tell me he was at work (at a record shop) and said he saw the DSG cd and said hey I know that guy.
Yeah, we hang out with them also every time they're around Toronto or Cleveland- they have good memories when it comes to the fans- of course, it doesn't hurt that I always bring them gifts so how CAN they forget me?!
See you in a couple...
OMFG I almost spit food all over my monitor! Don't EVER do that again, Zilla! And please don't wear that shade of eye shadow to PP. It really isn't your color ;)
