Pictures of your pets.

Oh so now i have 4000 posts that means i don't have a life? You two are ridiculous...

Check this out, it's a new foundation my friend started. It's getting a lot of attention and it's for a great cause! :) On the web- On myspace-

This is my first cat, Sparkles. Born on my 6th birthday, 2/4/93-10/10/05. She had hyperthyroidism for the last year or so of her life. She was the neighborhood greeting cat. Unreliable guardcat :rolleyes:
I won't do the joke of: "Yeah post pics of your pussy" cause I'm sure it was done 5 time in this thread and there's already 15 other people saying this joke was already made and 10 others to say that even if it was already made it's still funny, 5 to complain about others complaining, 23 to say that the post above them is useless, 2 to make a " :lol: " post and 1 to say that it's all Lady Laiho's fault.

Check this out, it's a new foundation my friend started. It's getting a lot of attention and it's for a great cause! :) On the web- On myspace-

This is my first cat, Sparkles. Born on my 6th birthday, 2/4/93-10/10/05. She had hyperthyroidism for the last year or so of her life. She was the neighborhood greeting cat. Unreliable guardcat :rolleyes:
:lol: Satanic animals:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
hate to be the one that tells you this, but you are a human as well.

my medical records say so and i fit the description, so yes i am.

i felt eternal made an ignorant comment so i responded.
@emptifier- MIMA's right. you're ridiculous.
i really don't think this is a thread in which to post rude comments. (everyone) save it for the threads concerning people, not our pets. please.
@ everytime i die: i used to have a bearded dragon and two leopard geckos.
i named the bearded dragon oranges, and the geckos Geico and Mrs.Lizard.
oranges was a fcking jerk, i used to love that thing, and one day i accidentally got spooked and i dropped him, after that, everytime i tried to hold him he tried to bite me. the gecko's were adorable, they loved they're chins scratched, haha.



hahahaha awwwwwww ive never heard of an angry beardie all the ones i know are really nice. My leopard loves the chin scratch too but my beardy lieks his head screathed :lol:
yeah, oranges did like his head scratched until i dropped him, and oh yeah, should i mention that he actually did bite me once. on my finger, fcking hurt like a bitch. i like...threw him back in his tank, and that was it. i made my mom get rid of him.