
pics from Stockholm's gig, on 1st May:
(after kamelots pics)
tack :)

Im 100% NOT gay, but i would totally f--k that guy.

hahaha i read that as 'i'm not 100% gay' all i could think was, what you're only a little gay then?
:lol: post of the day! :notworthy
haha and now after re-reading my own post i've got images of gay midgets... am i going to hell for giggling?
oh and LJ, just for clarity, what does tack mean? obviously it's a cultural thing but in UK it generally means 'rubbish' which is clearly not what you meant because that pics great!

you're going anyway and so am i :lol:
"tack" is Swedish for "thank you". i'm a Finn but in Finland we must know Swedish too. :Saint:
Im 100% NOT gay, but i would totally f--k that guy.

See! You are all starting to see it. It's the hair!!!! SEXY NEW HAIRCUT!!!!!

But yeah, I speak a little Swedish. VERY basic but I can say stuff like:

Tack så mycket = Thank you very much

Hej, hur mår du? = Hi, how are you?

Talar du engelska? = Do you speak English?

Jag talar inte spanska = I don't speak Spanish XD

Hej då, jag ser fram emot att traffa dig igen = Bye, I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Din nya frisyr ar jattefin = your new haircut is great (I was gonna say it to Apollo but my Swedish is not good enough!!!)

(and I don't know how to do those a's with the two little dots above them >.<)

But yeah.

xx Kirsty
haha ah well at least we can convert hell into a firewind fan club :p
ah see, makes sense now
i said that to my friend the other day, she looked confused

it's quite appropriate. there's both the fire and the wind down there most likely. :lol:
your friend doesn't know Firewind? or just not the sexy new haircut? but... if she knew Firewind how could she NOT know the sexy new haircut?
There's a pic I forgot to post. Be right back.

I tried to take a pic of Mark, the drum set was far and I had to zoom in.

As soon as I pressed the button to take the pic, look who decides to step in front. :rolleyes:

It looks like Apollo has a huge boner that squashed down his right (camera left) leg, and it looks like it ends just below where the photo cuts off.

If so, damn.