Pinella´s Keyboard

Soulforged Raistlin

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2002
Santiago, Chile
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I remember I read somewhere that pinella´s keyboard has a name :confused: .... It was something like "xxxxxxx trumpetman from hell" , and the first word sounded like garlic (i think), maybe I´m talking nonsense, but I´m curious, thanks.
15. Pinnella had a piece of tape on his keyboard that said Garlic Trumpetman From Hell... what does this mean?

"Garlic Trumpetman from Hell" is his nickname. When Guybrush (former webmaster) asked Jason Rullo what it meant, Jason answered: "There are things that only the band and the crew members should know :)"

From their official website. HTH.
Originally posted by metropolis2k X
I read that it was because of the sample that he triggers from it that goes in the middle of Of Sins and Shadows. However it does sound like his nickname could be attributed to a flatulence

Those samples are actually in a different keyboard, not on the keyboard with the Garlic Trompet lettering.
