I really did not like this comment

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I think it's funny how y'all are getting riled up just because someone calls SX 'power metal' and you think they're 'prog metal', or vice versa.

Lol, some of you people are more worried about what Symphony X is NOT than what they are.
I know power metal has a reputation for cheesiness, but just because a band is power metal doesn't automatically mean that they're cheesy. My 3 favourite power metal bands, Blind Guardian, Nightwish and Symphony X aren't really cheesy, but they're undoubtedly power metal.
I think most people here are arguing because prog music has like a higher status than other kinds of music. anyway, you can't say that a band is power metal because they have galloping riffs. If you count the progressive songs, and the more straightforward songs, I think you'll have more prog minutes of pleasure (dwot, odyssey, both accolades, ttlg, lots, both winter's dreams, etc..) than power metal-ish minutes (out of the ashes, of sins and shadows, etc..).
i like the relic..
they have SOME cheesier songs..especially the first album though romeo was still startin out then really (besides the solo album) so i cant diss him for it.. but the bulk of their stuff i dont think is cheesy. (btw i hate that word lol..it sounds quite gross)
ElPredicador said:
I think most people here are arguing because prog music has like a higher status than other kinds of music.

My exact thoughts. And I think you should all be aware that Symphony X isn't the best band in the world. Therefore you can stop defending/denying the fact that they are partly power metal. Don't you see how much damage labeling a band does? Wasn't there a big deal about prog being intelligent music for intelligent people? Well, I think that has gotten a bit over your head and now, in fear of loosing your intelligence, you think that the more you manage to label SX as prog, the more intelligent you will be because you listen to intelligent music. That's just silly. Try being objective for once and face reality.
Macy said:
Don't ask. It's fact. If you think they are you should broaden your horizons.

I agree. SyX is definitely up there, but there are groups that can give them a run for their money. Guess there's no need to drop names...

I used to be one of those people who thought that Dream Theater was The Supreme Being's gift to progressive music a a whole, but I was humbled when I heard about Symphony X, Amorphis, Hawkwind, ELP, and Opeth.

mental note: if you say you're not gonna drop names, don't drop any.
Macy said:
Don't ask. It's fact. If you think they are you should broaden your horizons.

Insert random invectives here

Macy, I restate my question; what makes you the judicator of what the best band in the world is then? Does an objective measure for quality of music exist? And in that case, what is that measure?

Oh, and my horizons are quite broad, thank you. Don`t pull the condescending besserweiser on me.
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