I really did not like this comment

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Yngvai X said:
Again, a blanket statement made by someone who is obviously not well versed in powermetal. Blind Guardian has influences ranging from celtic and folk music to slayer, Dream Theater (Hansi is a fan), and the beach boys. Rhapsody often has traditional folk instruments and totally rips off many famous classical peices. Angra incorperates classical music as well as traditional brazilian percussion and rhythms. To me, thats a lot more "prog" than a lot of modern prog bands that just listened to Dream Theater growing up.

Also as far as SyX's influences are concerned, a large part of their influences come from the same trad metal bands that influenced power bands (Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, Rainbow, etc), as well as the old prog bands. As far newer prog bands...Romeos said countless times he really doesn't keep up with many of the newer bands and any similarity with them is because they share similar influences, so thats right out.

Ok, Yngvai X, I forgot to say that power metal incorporates folk and classical mucic into the songs. Yes, you got me there, that was a mistake as alot of bands use these influences. But the thing about Angra with Brazilian, and Blind Guadian with all that other stuff are exeptions. And not coincedently, these are the power metal bands I like the most. But read my original post how i said "NORMALLY". There of course exeptions.
Yngvai X said:
You're not a powermetal fan are you? Cause Helloween sounds NOTHING like Rhapsody who sound NOTHING like Gamma Ray who sound NOTHING like Stratovarius. Is your defenition of powermetal fast songs with major key choruses and singers that sing in the dog whistle range, cause thats what it sounds like if you think those 4 bands sound alike. The problem here is that someone who dislikes a genre, or is not very familiar with it, is going to think "it all sounds the same" just because of their unfamiliarity with it. I know plenty who think all progmetal sound the same.

Aghhh! You got me again. What I was meaning was that you can tell that they are in the same genre. It's pretty recognisable that they share the a similar STYLE of music. This same thing goes for alot of other styles.

Does that clear things up?:Spin:
OK then I'll show the progression with each SyX album!!!EHHH!
S/t - Crap, Total Yngwie-rip-off
DG - ALOT better, getting more progressive.
DWoT - PERFECT.! Gets heavier than ever before.
TiO - Not as heavy - But gets more progressive but stil has some of there most neo-classical tunes aswell. Not all that much of a progerssion
V - Major difference! so much orchestration and melodies.
The Odessey - Dropped most of the neo-classical sound and orchestral sound (other than a couple of songs) and is really, really HEAVY!!!

If you can't see the difference between "V" and The Odessey, I give up.
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Aghhh! You got me again. What I was meaning was that you can tell that they are in the same genre. It's pretty recognisable that they share the a similar STYLE of music. This same thing goes for alot of other styles.

Does that clear things up?:Spin:

Yep, no problem dude ;). Although the best debates about genre classification are over at the BG forum (Ive seen more than 1 person try to argue that they arent powermetal hehehehehe).
Ahem, don't shoot me now but I agree with Kate. Without the angry tone in my voice though. Symphony X is VERY much power metal. About 45% power metal I'd say. And the song that quickly comes to mind is "Inferno", the chorus "The endless night, in the moonlight..." It doesn't get much more power than that!!! Another example is the end of "The Odyssey" - "Triumphant champion of Ithaca...!" Also VERY power metalish. So don't deny the facts!

Also, Jason isn't a power metal drummer, but he does play a lot of power metal. But he also plays a lot of other stuff. So stop arguing! Isn't there enough hate and violence and war in the world already?! Must we hate eachother because of different opinions? Respect the difference!!!
The Yngster said:
I'm trying to understand the difference before I start to respect it.

Well, you're right, it would be boring if we were all running around naked on wide green fields with the wind blowing through our hair singing tralalalala.
Well i looked up "progressiv music" in a music encyclopedia and i`ll write a small segment from what stood there."From approximately 1970 p. music means music that is culturpolitical progressive. This involve music -most often pop music- which avoids the clichès of the commercial music. This p. has texts with a realistic content often has as a goal to change society in a social direction."

Hope you all understood this!(because i didn`t!)
I have translated it directedly from a Norwegian, so it`s probably full of mistakes and even more difficult to understand. Also it`s from1980 which is also good to bear in mind.
According to this it`s hard to say which bands are progressive or not, but one thing is common for them all i think, they avoid the clichès of commercial music!
Ya know, the big problem is that this person puts the things as if it weas the absolute truth!! So, in this case, there is no way for me to respect what this person says.

If was the case that this person would say "Oh, this is my opinion, period", this would have my whole respect.

But this envy happens all the time in the wonderful SyX world... :)
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