Pink Floyd- What's their best?


May 16, 2004
Yeah so I just discovered Pink Floyd... obviously I'd heard of them plenty (who hasnt!) but a friend of mine who's big into 60's/70's rocknroll type stuff (he likes metal too but not as much as me) said he thought I might like Pink Floyd (cause I do like SOME 60/70s stuff) anyways I heard a couple songs and thought it was extremely good stuff... very interesting ambience they create... can anyone reccommend me their best album (I have to start with one only because of cash shortage)... I think I heard some of yall saying you liked em so thats why I'm asking here...
everyones going to say something different...

for a starter Dark Side of the Moon is going to be a good choice... Wish You Were Here as well..... those albums will pull you in right away... i like meddle a lot, if only for "echoes"... as I think it's the best song they ever recorded.
Check out Wish You Were Here first, unless you already heard some songs from Dark Side of the Moon and liked it. If you haven't, Dark Side may be too mellow for you, and cause you to be put off from Pink Floyd for a while. (It happened to me, as it was their first album that I bought)
Cryptkeeper said:
Wish You Were Here, Dark Side of the Moon, Animals, The Wall

And check out Piper At The Gates Of Dawn for fucked-up psychedelia or A Momentary Lapse of Reason for more modern instrumentation.
I like Animals the best. Starting with Dark Side of the Moon or Wish You Were Here is good advice.
Hmmm i listened to Dark Side of the Moon because it seems to be the classical album by Pink Floyd - but i fopund it rather boring - just some mellow pop-music kind of thing.
I enjoyed the Wall, or at least parts of it much more.

Can someone please tell me which album is their least "musical", their most "heavy", least mainstream work (as the Wall is less mainstream then Dark Side... (at least according to my single short listening experience of the latter album))?