
I bought and I also pirated. Yaarrrgh!

I stopped pirating, I've gone Open Source. :)
They gave enough of a shit to make the fucking game.

It just seems funny to me that people find ways to justify theft when it comes to music and computer software. I'm going to start going to the supermarket and steal my food, making claims that the food industry is rich anyhow, they don't followup with support for their products, and also that I'm too much of a fucking skinflint to pay for a service so this should all be free because I want it I want it I want it.
Take valusoft for an example.
They make crappy games like battle for troy.
They make games that is currently hype like battle for troy which is made because of the movie Troy.
Battle for troy is a piece of shit.
The Troyan campaign doesn't work(It CTD every time) and Valusoft has made no patch to fix this issue.
But the game costs just as much as any other game(which means alot).
So you would have wasted all your money on a game that doesn't work.
If you would have downloaded it instead you would have realised that this game sucks and you simply delete it and you wouldn't have wasted your money(which you could buy another game that is alot better like Ground Control 2 that unlike Battle for troy actually works).
Valusoft will sooner or later learn their lesson and will start making better games or they will run out of money.
That sucks, but couldn't you return that to where you bought it from? I know some stores are iffy on software returns, but if the damn thing doesn't even work there should be some sort of recourse. Either way, isolated incidents are no excuse for piracy, sometimes you just end up with duds (I have plenty of junk CDs and video games that I wish I wouldn't have purchased, but too bad so sad).

I have a few friends that download everything they play, or even buy games from a store, make copies at home, then return it saying "oh, this doesn't work" and get their money back. That's pretty shitty.
But if you try it then you won't end up with duds.
The only games that has a good protection against piracy is operation flashpoint and games that require cd-keys(for mp).
A good mp game is alone worth buying.
I usually would like to know that the game that I am buying is worth it.

But I definitely do not think that you should ever "buy" pirated games. This means that you are not only paying for something that in fact has no value whatsoever but you are also giving money to people that are only copying the game to try and profit out of not really doing anything, which is pretty wrong. I would say that if you are going to pirate a game do it yourself and don't fill up the pockets of commercial pirates. At the same time I also think that when companies put copy protection on games they are doing themselves harm. If someone is going to copy something, they will copy it, and if an individual cannot break the copy protection on a game, then they will probably go to someone actually selling pirated copies and mass-copying games that can break it. Which I think is worse. Further it ends up that the people who are buying the game for real are footing the bill for the copy protection, which isn't very right. And it seems that copy protection can even be debilitating to a product. I purchased a copy of UT2k4 with no doubt that I wanted it. Before I had the update patch (that also means no-CD) I would have to put the CD in. But because of the protection on the disc, I could sit there waiting for a bit listening to the CD speeding up in the drive and it trying to read it a few times before it worked, or at times, even not recognise that the CD was in the drive and I would have to eject it, put it back in and try again. Why punish people for buying the game?

I do like to believe that if something is truely great, people will buy it. I have played many pirated games for maybe 5 minutes and thrown them away, if I paid $80 for that game, I would be annoyed.
i baught half life(CS), Condition Zero, battlefeild, UTK4, monkey island, grim fandango, a bunch of lucas arts games actually, and some XBOX stuff as well

i dled other games and deleted them the same day because they sucked

i then got wise and just dled the games demo to see if it sucked or not. i did this with UTK4. Saves time and bandwidth =D

I use stepmania instead of DDR also
Arch said:
I bought and I also pirated. Yaarrrgh!

I stopped pirating, I've gone Open Source. :)
There aren't many OS GAMES though!!! :tickled:

I know how you feel though, MOST things can be found as OS, and I try to use these as much as possible myself! :)
I pirate pretty much everything, since I have absolutely no money at all.

I bought BF1942, UT2003 and UT2004 though, since I desperately wanted to play them multiplayer.
I download my games (from those scummy ddl sites) for the most part. What's the point in paying for a pirated copy anyway, you might as well buy the real thing then. I'll probably buy RTW though, unless I don't have a computer in the UK, which is highly likely and which would suck terribly high amounts.
When I was in the Phils..my brother and I bought a lot of pirated games because they were sooo cheap.. and that was the first time I've ever seen all the pirated games and stuff. and they were everywhere... it was very exhilarating