Pizza vs. Burgers


Aug 30, 2001
I saw this thread on another board and I thought it might do well here, too.

So, hypothetically speaking, someone's got a gun to your head and you're forced to choose between the world's greatest pizza, and the world's greatest burger. What do you pick and why?

Let's figure out who's champ!
I'd have to say burger. Because the world's "greatest" pizza and the world's "greatest" burger probably have onions on them, and it would be easier to pick onions off of the burger :loco:
By world's greatest, I mean your personal favorite haha. I should have specified differently. My world's greatest burger would definitely not have onions on it!
I'd still go for the burger then. I like pizza mainly for the cheese, but my favorite burger would have that on it too. AND MEAT.
Best pizza: My grilled BBQ salmon pizza

Best burger: Meridian Room Bleu Cheese Burger


I'll go with the pizza.
I pick the burger because I feel better after getting full on a burger as opposed to getting full on a pizza. Burgers just fit better in my belly, and usually taste better too if they're made right. But I love them both so much, just as much as I love breakfast. My decision is based on the fact that I've never tried or even seen a successful unity of breakfast and pizza. I have however, eaten many a fine breakfast burger in my day, and that right there, along with some hashbrowns and sourdough toast with grape jelly is a top contender for last meal ever if I end up on death row someday.
Well, my worlds greatest burger would be a burger that instead of buns, had 2 of the worlds greatest pizza wrapping it... LOOPHOLE!
I'd go with burger, but only if it consists of more meat then bread ...mainly because it has more meat than bread.