Places to go eat, people to see..


Dec 5, 2002
Carrboro, NC
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Hey, just wanted to know about good places to eat in Atlanta..I mean not cuisine or none of that artsy fartsy crap, I mean good old buffets, chinese, american, whatever..

If anyone know of places please let us know...
I know where I'm going before I go in on Friday.....


It's my absolute favorite of those type places, but they don't have one here in Columbia, so it's where we go at concerts in Atlanta.
It's not really mexican food, it's I guess what you call mid-western or something. Very "fresh" tasting food, not anything like Taco Bell or crap like that.

If you want an alternative, try Moes. Same type place, but not owned by McDonald's. :p We've got one of those here though already.
Barking Pumpkin said:
It's not really mexican food, it's I guess what you call mid-western or something. Very "fresh" tasting food, not anything like Taco Bell or crap like that.

If you want an alternative, try Moes. Same type place, but not owned by McDonald's. :p We've got one of those here though already.

"Weckumdamoe's!!" (what they yell indistinctly, apparently as a statutory requirement, when a customer walks in)

I like Moe's a lot, and there are quite a few of them popping up around town.