planning on a new tattoo..need some help..


Jul 21, 2003
New York
Hello everyone, I haven't been on here in awhile. Sorry about that! haha Anyway, I am in desperate need of finding larger images of both pictures below. I am planning on getting one of these two Borknagar symbols OR a Vintersorg symbol tattooed on my back eventually. I could wait if I get no replies, just hurry up. heh I need my tattoo artist to draw it for me this Friday.

Here are the pictures..


(the image in the circle)


(the 8-pointed circle thing in the center)

And if any of you can find larger images of any of the Vintersorg shirt logos that are found on THIS PAGE, I'd be very happy. I already found the logo from Cosmic Genesis..


NOTE : the image must be pretty high quality. I'd really appreciate it if any of you guys could help me. Thanks a lot. \m/

P.S. SORRY if I am flooding this thread with images. :erk:
Devourer said:
No problem :headbang:
I find that last one pretty cool!!That weird...thing...hehe :D :p

Yeah the second one is definitely awesome. The others may be a bit too simplistic for me. Damn, it's funny..since I got my first one a month ago, I have just been thinking about this next one. I don't want more than 2 though..don't want to be covered in them because knowing me, I'd want to keep going. :erk: