(Plastic) Swords In The Wind

Noj said:
haha, it was a giant inflatable sword! I cant remember what colour though!

that was beserker guys sword

phil i thought we said wed all go to toys r us the next time and find the mightyest battle axe ever made and some huge suit of armour

or we could get scythes for bodom lol

fuck it im gonna try and get in with a real sword well atleast metal one :S

and if any one has pics of us lot with the swords can you send it to me fir the novelty

Yeah! The plastic swords were a cool idea. Dragonforce are fun and the sword-wielding fitted right in.

Would be cool if some folks can dream up a similar stunt for this year's festival
chazzyf said:
Yeah! The plastic swords were a cool idea. Dragonforce are fun and the sword-wielding fitted right in.

Would be cool if some folks can dream up a similar stunt for this year's festival

ah dont worry as we left last year we vowed to find many more people and drag them off to get weapons althought my axe was shattered in the battle of dragonforce upon taz's mighty blade so i now had to use a shield in one hand and sword in the other :(

i dont see why people are so uptight about it lol its fucking joke ppl have fun get pissed and get over it

i got my sword signed but i lost it lol so that plan backfired

peace people
seems like everyone here is pro plastic war impliment, i certainly am... the more comedy war instruments the better i say... as long as its not over done otherwise itll get boring...
I threw away a plastic axe I had, will we be okay going in with huge impliments of plastic death? if those security people are touchy about WATER... then...
LOL I demand Moonsorrow, then I'll bring my Nordic Claymore and wear nothing above the waist bar Henna paint mwahahahahahaha, seriously tho' I see nothing wrong with it, its a bit of extra fun, I'll be donning a lab coat, surgical gloves and a surgical mask for Aborted (all drenched in blood of corse:))
the people waving the swords at the gig were cool and the guy with the blow up guitar was even cooler.
its all fun for[ metal ] god sake.

breaking bone with steel and stone they will know the power of thy sword.
chazzyf said:
Yeah! The plastic swords were a cool idea. Dragonforce are fun and the sword-wielding fitted right in.

Would be cool if some folks can dream up a similar stunt for this year's festival
Some of us drunken Brummie cunts are thinking of doing something extra special this year, depending if we can be arsed to actually plan it properly. It'll be much cooler than just a few plastic weapons, trust me.

Just hope it won't cost too much.
*can't wait to laugh at drunken Brummie cunts that aren't pissed on cider and below the age of 12 not clad in fake gold chains*

Be arsed! Please!

On the other hand, maybe we could all organise a huge battle in the square outside the assembly rooms? Chaaaarge!
im up for some full on plastic warfare! id be so impressed if that happened in somewhere around me... just walking along minding your own business and all of a sudden your in the middle of some viking battle! sounds metal to the core!
I thought the plastic swords were brilliant, I was filming for DragonForce at Bloodstock last year, and know the Dragonforce guys found it hysterical! They signed a few of the swords to.

Is anyone planning to bring their armour to the underworld???
If so, we'll be covering the gig for DF and it would make for exciting viewing!

There's a shop in York that sells full on medieval gear but it's pretty expensive because they are actual replicas and not plastic pound shop items... I think a full suit of plate mail costs about £2000 :erk:

On the other hand, you can always buy some rivets and make your own chainmail, or if your lazy, Nuclear Blast make their own brand... Woohoo! :rock:
I too thought it was great , so did my wife and it certainly put a smile on our faces ! Bollocks to the non-believers ! . Why has it become such a crime to enjoy yourself these days in this Fascist , Left-Wing State of ours !. Soon you may not be able to have a smoke in the pub but it will probably be okay to deal drugs.
Well.....I had a chat with Eagle tonight and he is threatening to come to Bloodstock in the following this year! A black kilt, his chain mail vest (yes it's real...and bloody heavy) with drinking horn and ... well I think you get the picture! :) I'm just worried he won't wear anything under his kilt! :ill:
If Eagle doesn't come like that I'll print out his avatar after un-negativing it, hunt him down using that as a guide, and stamp a sticker on his head saying 'I am mean for getting the hopes of thousands of people to astronomical levels only to shatter them by not dressing in such a true way'.

Then I expect I'll be pummeled into the floor, but hey.