Play TA:Spring with me

AsModEe said:
wtf?!? I never heard of that game! I'm big fan of strategy games, and I plan on buying Civilization 4, it got amazing reviews. I recently played age of empires 3, but it's nowhere as deep as civ 4.

Edit: I'm watching the sceenshots, is it a mod for Rome: Total War?

are you talking about spring? it is a mod of nothing, it's a completely custom game written from the ground up without any other code (it does use the original units from TA though so technically you're committing COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT if you download the game without owning original TA omg.)
Civ 3 is grand. You really need to get into the strategy part, it's not an "action excitement" thing. Try for culture victories, that shits rough.
hehe, it takes a while, the harder difficulties are where culture victories are so hard. Cause you're setup means you have almost no army... but you always end up with some warmonger coming to kick your ass and you have temples to defend yourself with? heh.

military victories are easy. My fav is to play as the vikings... their berzerkers = amphibious assault 6/1 dudes. Load em up in caravels and go conquer the world from boats.
I remember playing Alpha Centauri demo.. it took me awhile to get into it, cause I had no idea how to play the game. But when I understood, it was freaking cool. I guess Civ 4 is the same style of gameplay?
Civ IV sounds absolutely awesome. I used to be a diehard Civ II fan back in '98-'99, but for some reason I never checked out Civ III. This was before the days of ADSL and file sharing, however, so I shall have to get my greedy hands on said game soon.

I used to play Total Annihilation quite a lot too, but I forgot about it when I started to get into FPS games.

I also need to play Quake IV and F.E.A.R, and of course the almighty Call Of Duty 2 - the demo of the latter was awe-inspiring to say the least.
Total Annihilation Kingdoms \m/


loved that game..

UNTIL i would get in situations where it would come to a standstill, constantly pumping out millions of drakes but being taken down by little guys, but they couldn't advance, and I couldn't advance, and it never would end.

the graphics were hot though
agreed, but TA:K was fascinating to look at, and had a nice concept

however when it comes down to actual quality gameplay TA >>>>>> TA:K
Chromatose said:
UNTIL i would get in situations where it would come to a standstill, constantly pumping out millions of drakes but being taken down by little guys, but they couldn't advance, and I couldn't advance, and it never would end.

Yea thsi happens alot. I would always pump out tons of ballistas and that would just make everything a stalemate.
Erik said:
TA:K has NOTHING on original TA but is a decent game in its own right

I think I finished one of the campaigns or two and then forgot about it

I thought the graphical difference (quality) from TA to TA:K was night and day. TA:K was pretty elementary looking in comparison.
few points: Alpha Centauri was a very strange game, but most triumphantly awesome.

Also... DO NOT BUY QUAKE 4... it sucks ass. It's just as boring as Doom 3 was. If not worse. (push button A, down elavator B, push button C, go back up Elevator B and through door next to button A). Repeat.
just downloaded TA: Spring
How does that thing work?
I'll be able to play next week... weekend if full of exams.
1) Alpha Centauri is the best strategy game of all fucking time.
2) FEAR is the best FPS to come out since..well probably Half Life 2.
3) Who the fuck cares about any of this shit when Shadow of the Colossus is out there? That game is an epic, artistic, masterpiece.
I had the occasion to play a real game yesterday night. That. Game. Is. Fucking. Great.

And you thought you had seen it all, but then comes the lvl 2 tech tree!! I build a fucking huge rapid fire vulcan cannon and it simply wiped out the (stupid) bot sending me little kbots and tanks.

What's your best strategy? I figured the best thing to do is to build a lot of energy plants, then convert it into metal, then at lvl 2 tech, I could spend money on adv. metal maker.

I noticed defense is vital in the game... and having a lot of long range turrets helps a lot, but the self-destruct sequence is simply overpowered, a kamikaze running in my base exploding itself (though now it won't happen anymore) will simply wipe out the entire base.

Still, great game. And Erik, is it normal that I'm stuck at the top view?? I wish I could look from the same ground lvl of my units sometimes.

I'll send this game to my bro... so I can practice my skills. Bots are too easy.
And Erik, is it normal that I'm stuck at the top view??
Not normal

Use CTRL-J to change camera, there are four different variants (FPS style, Total War style, overhead (TA style) and rotatable overhead,) then move around with mouse wheel, mouse wheel button, arrow keys etc.

Also you can select one unit and press C to "drive it" as in an FPS, it's pretty cool... Shoot with mouse button, walk and turn with arrow keys and move turret/"eyes" with mouse

I'll maybe post some strategy later but most good players don't go lv 2 for a while. Expansion is key as well, you want to control lots of the map and not really have a centralized base for the most part

I'll play you sometime :mad: