Play TA:Spring with me

ctrl-j... thx. I noticed moving to tech lvl 2 too fast isn't a good idea, some buildings took forever to build cause I had no ressources left, and therefore I couldn't build more troops... this game makes me think about my economy class and how to be "technically" and "economically" efficient.
centralized bases are almost always a nono in RTS... one powerful weapon thats short duration or a radius one-time can wipe you out if you build one base. Plus having multiple small bases allows you to jump their base attack from behind.
AsModEe said:
ctrl-j... thx. I noticed moving to tech lvl 2 too fast isn't a good idea, some buildings took forever to build cause I had no ressources left, and therefore I couldn't build more troops... this game makes me think about my economy class and how to be "technically" and "economically" efficient.
I dunno if you've read this but it's a pretty decent read:

Also search on the Internet for Total Annihilation tactics if you need more hints, 90% of it still applies to TA:Spring as well.