playing gigs drunk


New Metal Member
May 19, 2008
Hey guys i played a gig at the weekend smashed out of my face and played the best ive ever played live in my life haha.
It's the firsy gig i've played as a guitarist drunk and i loved it :headbang:

I used to be a singer and always got smashed at gigs.
Without equipment to drive about it would be rude not to :kickass:

I just wonderd if any of you guys ever have a few bevies before you play live?
Anything up to about 9 or 10 pints and im fine, not just with guitar but pretty much everything. Silly, overly high, alcohol tolerance.
Are you sure you played well, or do you just think you played well? ;)

SERIOUSLY - alcohol can definitely do strange things to our perceptions, though at the same time, I went to a going back home party for my (hot young) German teacher at the end of this past semester, got pretty plastered, and had an easier time with the language than I ever did in class, so who knows!
The only reason I know I can play pretty much fine when really drunk is that I often record stuff and then find it on my PC the next day not remembering that I did it.
Are you sure you played well, or do you just think you played well? ;)

I've played a fair few gigs under the influence... anything past four beers and I start to make silly mistakes so I know to stick to my limits.

I know what you mean ive done drunk rehersal's before and played like sheet.
But i think i hit the perfect amount of beer for this gig.
I was completetly relaxed but managed to concentrate on what i was playing.
personally, i can only play blues when im drunk and that doesn't work onstage with a black/death metal band especially when you're doing vocals at the same time haha. though alcohol numbs your throat so it helps that
Haha! Yea Ive had my share of drunken gigs! Some better than others for sure, but I have to have a limit or else it will be murderous! But in the same respect I cant go without nothing, because the nerves gets to me, there has to be a happy medium! It might have taken a couple sacrificial gigs but I found it :)
playing drunk isnt a good idea for me. i play like shit and i end up making fun of the band on stage

i dont drink at my own shows, period.
Dude to be quite honest, I think that drinking before a show is probably the dumbest thing you could do, no offense man... I mean, you are there to perform for people you know? And if they like seeing you drunk on stage then yeah go ahead, but I would believe that alot of people go to shows to watch and be entertained by good music, not Studioforce (Dragonforce)style shenanigans on stage, where you play totally different key, wrong tempo, and just all around crappy.

Now, I am not saying you sucked live, because I have never seen you play live, and I am not making judgments either. I am saying that you know, if getting drunk on stage makes you have an amazing show, go ahead but I wouldn't do it because I pride myself on putting the best performance I can for the people who pay to come see me.
Like that Family Guy episode where peter and lois smoke a ton of weed and think that they sound good and at the end of the episode they were basically drooling on the stage rolling around stumbling all over..
I have seen rockers get drunk and they go real wild.. Sometimes they even consider really getting drunk in purpose to thicken up their face.. :kickass:
There is a limit for me just how much beer i can drink before a show. I find when you reach that certain level of drunk where you have a slight buzz, it is time to stop. Besides, it ussually dries you out if you have a few beer and start playing. Which is shitty because I ussully forget to bring water on stage with me.:erk:
I have seen rockers get drunk and they go real wild.. Sometimes they even consider really getting drunk in purpose to thicken up their face.. :kickass:

Thats what maniac from mayhem used to do to take away stage fright but it got out of hand and he had to leave the band.

and from my experience from going to concerts, anytime the guys in the band are drunk sound good is when the crowd is drunk too. ex. children of bodom (alexi can't play drunk, i've been to two of there shows. alexi was drunk at the second one. the first one was great, the second one sucked ass) and also dragonforce (we've all seen the videos)
man drinking before a show can be such a bad call, ive seen it go horribly wrong, one member more wasted than the others, one member letting the rest down, the whole band being shit, sloppy sets, taking ages to set up, talking shit, equipment breaking, going nuts and people being genuinely scared haha, saying that, it often works real well when the crowds smashed!
Like that Family Guy episode where peter and lois smoke a ton of weed and think that they sound good and at the end of the episode they were basically drooling on the stage rolling around stumbling all over..

Haha that episode was awesome, freakin hippies! o_O
Playing drunk is about the most disrespectful and insulting thing a performer can do to their audience.

Having one or two drinks to "take the edge off" is one thing, but anything beyond that is simply unprofessional. If you're a pro musician, then dammit, act like one. Wait till after the show to get smashed.

And NO, you DO NOT play better drunk. You only think you do.
Playing drunk is about the most disrespectful and insulting thing a performer can do to their audience.

Having one or two drinks to "take the edge off" is one thing, but anything beyond that is simply unprofessional. If you're a pro musician, then dammit, act like one. Wait till after the show to get smashed.

And NO, you DO NOT play better drunk. You only think you do.

exactly, though there nothin wrong with a couple shots of good ol' jim beam before the show

*after the show :kickass: that's ok

*later that night :puke:=:headbang: