Playing in front of stores, etc...

Just wondering, has anyone ever done this to make a bit of extra money? Just sitting in the mall, on a random bench, put up your guitar case, and start playing? It seems kind of fun. I'd like to try it this summer, because I can't get a job (I'm only 14), and I'll probably be really bored. You don't have to have a permit or anything, do you?
one time i walked up to a homeless guy who was playing blues guitar and i kicked him in the face with cleats and ran away
^ Wow you're cool. I would do it...if there wasn't the threat of some dumbass kicking me in the face.
one time i walked up to a homeless guy who was playing blues guitar and i kicked him in the face with cleats and ran away

Bastard! Homeless people who are supposed "Veteran of Vietnam, need money for ****** are the kind I hate. If he is playing some blues, then alrighty, give him a buck for some drugs.

"Busking" sounds pretty fun too, but I suck at playing my bass as of right now. Good luck, hope you play some good tunes and get some good money.

****** = drugs " - the space
Dunno why it's blocking it.
There's a homeless man in the town where I live who played in a popular band decades ago. He doesn't play on the streets, maybe someone kicked him in the face.