Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

These songs were all in separate sessions, but that's just because joey sent it that way. I usually do all my stuff in 1 big session, but i don't really have a set method for full lengths yet, as this was only my 2nd full length. For some of my larger EP projects, i'll split them into sessions of 3 or 4 songs(that's actually what i did on my first full length last year).

Here are the pro's and cons for each that i've encountered in my limited experience.

multi songs per session
-easy navigation between songs
-consistency in your mix and tones
-much faster mixing process

-slower session loading
-unstable at times(random crashes)
-can rape your computer(high memory/cpu demand on larger projects)
-potential to screw up your tempos and meters for entire session(although there is a fix if this happens)
-much harder to change up things in the mix from song to song like drum samples, guitar tones, ect.

single song per session
-fast session loads
-much more stable
-easier on your computer
-no way to screw up more than one song's tracks/meters/or tempos
-easier to use different drum samples in each song

-slower song switching
-much slower mixing process
-less consistency in your volumes and tones

there are tons i'm either forgetting or haven't experienced yet, so feel free to add your own to this list.
yeah and for the record, i made all of those transitions
they didnt even credit me as a producer, and at least 25% of the content on the cd was created by me lol
i also want to mention that before they came here, the songs had huge empty sections that were intended to be singing
i helped the guy singing develop his voice and helped with the melodies, harmonies, vocal arrangement, etc. etc.

this is all in addition to the regular production stuff that i always do.
I'd love to be able to mix in one giant session, but even with my mac pro, cubase 5 gets fuckign raped. The last EP I mixed was all in one session, once I was just copying a track preset to another *bam*, VST bridge connection lost or whatever and what did this do? ALL my limiters for everything, vocals, bass... were reset to zero value. Had to redo everything... awesome.
just a reminder...
Info on this is cool and I think it can help some people over here.
ANYONE who's just replying with a picture or an AA! reference or anything that has nothing to do with this topic or is offensive to anyone WILL be banned without further warning )this goes for EVERYONE!
Please also don't even reply to this disclaimer in this thread, just accept it.
Sorry I have to write this at all and it's actually a shame, but that's just how it is atm.

so now keep going and post some useful stuff

eh hem. "anything that has nothing to do with this topic or is offensive to anyone WILL be banned"
i will back joey up 100% on this one. first off, this is a forum, what better place to vent your frustrations.

second, joey would probably be HAPPY not to record some of the bands he does (cough cough someone he just recorded).

third, i've had this happen to me to, i spent a shitload of time producing a band's song, changing parts for the better, spending time with a shitty vocalist making sure everything came out sounding good, and they sent it off to get mixed / mastered (which is fine, no problems) but after they gave me NO credit, and just consistently shit talk me.

plus i charged them $150 for a 12 hour session. people have no fucking sense of respect.