Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

Öwen;9224699 said:
Not quite sure how you could get good mileage out of me and not the argument, last I checked I wasnt a Toyota, innit!

it was thinly veiled innuendo, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more!

you "goer" you :tickled:
thank you Ryan... i always wanted a "teeny-bopper for jeebus" to tell me how to behave. now my dream has come true and i'm as happy as a little girl.


oh yeah... way to "late hit" there buddy. quite a few posts after the thread had totally changed course, your little interestingly timed comment brings it RIGHT BACK to the subject you claim to not want to see discussed anymore. niiice one

for the record... i've never said i don't like christians. many members of my family are christian and i love them.... what i don't like is organized, evangelical, activist crhistianity, and that's what i've always said.

so suck it ryan... and you'll have to forgive me for saying that... cuz yer a good X-tian, ;)
the music is what it is but the transitions between songs on this record are so fucking smooth. it might be slightly off topic but would any of you guys elaborate on how you go about prepping for those? do you arrange everything in one big album-length session or what? if so, how are the songs sliced for the master disc?

sorry ahead of time for the n00bishness.
No. We aren't here to talk about the album. We are here to debate religion. Lets stay on topic dasbrootal. Actually kinda wondering the same thing about the transitions. I think he mentioned before that he does all the transitions in their own session with all of them together.
transitions are most often implemented by the mastering engineer in a two-track editor/compiler DAW, like Peak Pro, Waveburner Pro, or WaveLab.
the music is what it is but the transitions between songs on this record are so fucking smooth. it might be slightly off topic but would any of you guys elaborate on how you go about prepping for those? do you arrange everything in one big album-length session or what? if so, how are the songs sliced for the master disc?

sorry ahead of time for the n00bishness.

All of the songs were imported into another pro tools session where the transitions were built around tracks. The crowd noises and creepy talking stuff was all done in that session, as well as some other effects.
Then i bounced down each track to where they flowed into each other perfectly. The only problem was that pro tools added about a 30 or 40 ms gap at the beginning of each track. To fix that i had to do some editing in Wavlab. When i was happy with all of the transitions, i burnt the masters in Wavelab, checked them on multiple cd players, and the band over-nighted the masters to the label.

Making the whole thing completely seamless without so much as a pop or click between tracks was much harder than i thought it would be. This was my first time doing that, though, so you live and you learn.
i use Peak Pro for this Brian... same functionality as WaveLab.... they are both designed to handle this type of task, but it can indeed be tricky. gets easier the more you do it, obviously. careful bouncing from PT (or any multi-track DAW) helps of course.
...I guess what I'm saying is that the majority of churchees that I've met refuse to have an open mind because it gets in the way of their affirmation system as I call it. However, I live in the bible belt so my view could be skewed just a tad...

I live in the heart of it too...and're view isn't's pretty much dead on (with some exceptions). I have plenty of direct, first hand experience with organized religion as well. And more and more these days with all the incredible crap I witness, I can't help but hear SocialNumb's internet voice in my head saying "damn Christians"...and agreeing with him. (however, I'd throw a few more religious groups in there as well)

Yes read that right...I'm actually agreeing with your sentiments. ;)

Sorry...back on topic..................
yeah i am an x-tian bahaha, i am getting trolled hard

anywho, do you mix in one giant session or multiple sessions?
for safety I would say its always smart to use multiple sessions and break them up into how finished the song is. Raw session, Drum Fixed with unedited guitars and bass, Drum Fixed with edited guitar and bass and raw vocals, All with edited vocals and a Final Mix of the song. Maybe thats over kill though.
for safety I would say its always smart to use multiple sessions and break them up into how finished the song is. Raw session, Drum Fixed with unedited guitars and bass, Drum Fixed with edited guitar and bass and raw vocals, All with edited vocals and a Final Mix of the song. Maybe thats over kill though.

honestly thats how i do it.

idk i just feel safer with backups of my backups