Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

yes, seriously.... the least "christ-like" people i've ever met have been X-tians. the most "christ-like" (behaving altruistically, with genuine concern for others above themselves, with no possible personal gain, being honest to a fault, no hidden agenda, and always fair-minded) people i've ever met have been agnostics, atheists, buddhists, and hindus... you know, people that x-tians are certain will all be burning in hell. go figure.

haha...i knew that post would be some murphy bait :grin:
I think its totally unfair to stereotype all christians from a small group of morons. Theres gonna be all kinds of horrible people. Just because someone labels themselves a christian doesnt mean they are and doesnt mean they are above anyone else. We are all still human. Certainly hypocrisy isnt a good thing, but youll find hypocrites everywhere!!!
Stereotyping all chrisitians is like someone stereotyping metalheads. Lazy, longhaired, drugaddict, bums that have no jobs or ambition to do anything decent with their life. Is it true?? certainly not! maybe some metalheads are like that, but it wouldnt be fair to apply it to all of us huh? its a stereotype that alot of people have applied to all metalheads.
I know its "cool" to bash people's personal religious choices...but WHY? Why not just let people believe what they wanna believe? It doesnt offend me at all when people rip on christians. Everyone has their own opinions. You have to consider the source. If some moron thinks im a loser for being a christian...should it bother me? hell no, the guy who said it is a complete idiot...nothing he said would bother me in any way.
Christians are not perfect people. Alot of them THINK they are, but they are like everyone else. We are all the same, no one is better than anyone else.
And btw, im not even a very good christian...i dont practice how they say I should. I do alot of things i "shouldnt".
I just wanted to point out that stereotyping people is lame and if "christians" really bother anyone that bad, its time to seek therapy. Obviously there are some issues there that need resolved. ;)
Someone being the way they are shouldnt bother someone so badly.
This isnt an attack on anyone, just voicing an opinion.
you don't seem to really know that much about organized, evangelical christianity then.... the people, like me, that have such an issue with it in general, do not "need help".... we have a problem with it, generally speaking, because there IS a problem with it, generally speaking.

and weve already had those discussions on here so there's no need to hash them out again.. but to be clear, we are not talking about anyone's little 'ol granma that just goes to church and is nice and sweet.

no, we are on about organized, evangelical christianity... the not-so-few, "moral majority" in this country that would have us re-write our history and biology books.. and are successfully mounting and executing campaigns to do just that... to reflect less historically and scientifically accurate data, in order to more favor current christian viewpoints. if you don't think THAT is a problem.... then YOU are the one with the problem.

good day sir.... i SAID good day!!
I seem to know alot about organized religion. :)
Sorry James, Im not gonna get into an internet fight with you over religion. :) Everyone knows you hate them & blah blah blah. Im not a fan of hypocrites either. All im saying is dont stereotype an ENTIRE group of people based on just a small part of it. I know its "cool" to bash on christians, but step outside of the box just a little bit and look at the whole picture instead of the part that you are so obviously fixated on. There have been things for years that i have seen wrong with religion, but im smart enough not to label a whole group of people based on a small part. That would make me ignorant and uninformed.
Maybe you see me as defending religion. IM NOT. Im defending any group of people that is unfairly stereotyped by someone. Thats where my issue is.

James- Im not gonna reply to the things you said in your newly edited post. I hate when people gotta change and edit what they said. Leave it as is and make a new post. No need refining it to see who has the biggest 'net balls.
WTF??? you sure make an awful lot of PISS POOR assumptions about me buddy... i'll address them in reverse order... I UPDATED MY POST BEFORE I EVER CHECKED TO SEE IF THERE WERE ANY REPLIES... i typed it, reviewed it, an edited it until i was happy with it. only then did i refresh and see Owen's reply. after you post, if you start editing, when you save it does not show you replies that have been made since.. you have to refresh to see those.

as for the first part of your post, you are basically stating that you know me, know what my experience is, and know that i am just trying to be "cool" by "jumping on a bandwagon", and can't see "outside of the box" , blah blabh....

wrong, wrong, and wrong! you know nothing about me, my experience level, exactly what leads me to make the statements i make regarding organized relition, or why i feel justified (not "cool") in making them, nor do you have any idea whatsoever what "box" i may or may not be thinking "in" or "out" of.

so if you're so intent not to get in an "internet fight" with me, then stop making assumptions about me that you have zero basis to make.

i developed my opinions about Evangelical Christianity through YEARS of direct experience.... you jumped to conclusions about my knowledge of Evangelical Christianity based on a few internet forum posts that you read in exactly the way you wanted to..... and let's just leave it at that, thanks!

ps... and for the record, i in fact DO have the biggest 'net balls... and the biggest real ones too. no seriously, i do.... hydroceles are a bitch.:lol:
Ill let you keep thinking how you do. I dont care enough to try to change your thoughts and feelings. Im certainly not gonna kiss ass like others do. I dont care who you are, we are all just regular people. No one is better than anyone else.
I dont wanna argue with you anymore because obviously we both have different opinions and neither of us are gonna change them. It would get us nowhere. I think we both have said what we needed to say, and our internet egos are healthy.
Ill let you keep thinking how you do.

well that's awfully magnanimous of you... especially since you have no option to do otherwise, ;)

I dont care enough to try to change your thoughts and feelings.
:waah: i knew you didn't care!

Im certainly not gonna kiss ass like others do. I dont care who you are, we are all just regular people. No one is better than anyone else.
yeah, good point.. cuz every one else here that says they agree with my viewpoints don't actually have minds of their own.. they actually agree with you, but just pipe up in agreement with me cuz they're kissin' my ass.

i'm sure that little nugget will ingratiate you well with the others here when they see that you clearly think so little of them as to imply they have no minds of their own.

good goin'!

I dont wanna argue with you anymore because obviously we both have different opinions and neither of us are gonna change them. It would get us nowhere. I think we both have said what we needed to say, and our internet egos are healthy.

aaaaaaand cue b-roll of Zen Garden with Coy Pond.

awww damnit. Now youre making me start to love you....seriously.
i do have that effect on the ladies.

wait.... :heh:

ps... as long as your not taking me too seriously, s'all good :kickass:
Öwen;9224572 said:
James is fun to argue with, you can get some good mileage out of it.

that's good stuff owen... i usually feel like im getting good mileage out of you... a matter of perspective, innit?
I just wanna add that it's not a small group making others look bad in this case, it's the majority. it's the ones that you can't talk to because when something scientific comes up they dismiss it because if they let that little bit into their belief system it wrecks the whole concept and they just can't be havin that...

I guess what I'm saying is that the majority of churchees that I've met refuse to have an open mind because it gets in the way of their affirmation system as I call it. However, I live in the bible belt so my view could be skewed just a tad.

I'll stop now but I just want to say that I love the band Tad :kickass:
that's good stuff owen... i usually feel like im getting good mileage out of you... a matter of perspective, innit?

Not quite sure how you could get good mileage out of me and not the argument, last I checked I wasnt a Toyota, innit!

I just have to pause in laugh that the recreation of a previously locked thread has headed down so many other inflammatory paths.

ha, i know right? i was going to post earlier about my suspicions for the reasoning behind recreating this thread.. as well as bumping and resurrecting a few other related threads, after the original of this one had been locked... seemed to me like someone wanted to kind of snub Lasse a bit, and perpetuate the original drama.

religion is always good fun to argue about though, eh? :lol: