Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

dude, i'm just being realistic

im not being egotistical... i've had multiple albums in the top 40 charts

i dont think facedown has ever had a chart topper, what makes you think this will be any different?
im not saying chart topping makes a good cd, but i am saying the cd will die out
it just wont reach that many people because the distribution is poor and there's no marketing behind it other than the DIY of the band and the label...
dude, i'm just being realistic

im not being egotistical... i've had multiple albums in the top 40 charts

i dont think facedown has ever had a chart topper, what makes you think this will be any different?
im not saying chart topping makes a good cd, but i am saying the cd will die out
it just wont reach that many people because the distribution is poor and there's no marketing behind it other than the DIY of the band and the label...

that is so not what you are saying and you know it.

I can get your frustrations with how it turned out and all, but c'mon...

Why do I read these comments with Kanye West's voice in my head?!?!?!?!
Whatever man. To leave a producer out of an album's credits is an utter cunt move. If you want to pay them out on a forum, so be it.

+1. I'M 100% in agreeing with joey. That's a beyond a dick move. I'm going to go download the record now to see what all the fuss is about hahaha.
yeah but the band didn't produce the album... if someone is sitting with you and asking your outside opinion on what to do, and the outside opinion coming from you is molding the entire project, then you are producing the project

this is what i did. i am sorry but they're ass hats for claiming that they produced it lol...

honestly i don't care. i am a top 40 producer, this cd will die in a year or so because it's just not their 15 minutes to shine right now.

some people are gonna read this and be all up and offended

but the rest of us are just gonna sit and think well fuck it. thats the fucking attitude you need to get shit like this done sometimes and get work with fucking bands like this or whoever else. props
maybe what i said was heated
thats fine, we can move on

but its still messed that they pulled a move like this. not only for karma, but for the simple fact that they're trying to set an example as christ followers.

it really isn't setting a good example when you do shit like that.
not only for karma, but for the simple fact that they're trying to set an example as christ followers.

it really isn't setting a good example when you do shit like that.

and you're surprised by this??
yes, seriously.... the least "christ-like" people i've ever met have been X-tians. the most "christ-like" (behaving altruistically, with genuine concern for others above themselves, with no possible personal gain, being honest to a fault, no hidden agenda, and always fair-minded) people i've ever met have been agnostics, atheists, buddhists, and hindus... you know, people that x-tians are certain will all be burning in hell. go figure.