Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

The clean vocals were pretty much the same processing as mentioned above, except for a slightly different approach with compression. Most of the vocals either have delay, reverb, or both. Track 5 has a chorus effect on the clean vocal part.

How were these layered? It sounds to me like there were at least 6 tracks of them, maybe more. Is each harmony doubled and then layered? It sounds so huge. I love the clean vox on this track.
How were these layered? It sounds to me like there were at least 6 tracks of them, maybe more. Is each harmony doubled and then layered? It sounds so huge. I love the clean vox on this track.

everything is doubled except for where not needed (ie: harmonies that will be lower in volume)

every part is very layered as expected. we usually did a main performance with focus on style and performance, then a double of that with a little more grit (im not sure if brian put chorus on this, but i usually do on this track)

then we do low octave for extra umph in the vocal tone, and then harmonies to stack underneath

some songs have stereo spreads of extra layers just to make the vocals thicker and wider. especially on the song that says "children, watch your backs". that vocal part is a LOT of vocals haha.
So when your stage compressing your doing like 3 compressors at 2:1 ratio?

it's more common i'd say to have one compressor working at a lower ratio to do some general peak controlling, then another, more aggressive comp. after that which will really impart more of a character to the track
hey guys

just so you know, the band pulled a douchebag move and decided not to put me in the credits because i "screwed them over" by turning down the mix due to them having impossible expectations with the completion date. so since i had to hand it off to brian, they put his name on the back (mixing and mastering) instead of me, the engineer and producer

so feel free steal this album and give it to your homies, because these christians aren't really practicing what they're preaching, if you know what i mean

they can argue against me all they want, but i did the "logical" thing by saying no, its impossible to finish by this time. and look, i was fucking right. because after brian got it, guess what happened? the deadline got an extension... why? because it was FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO FINISH BY EXPECTED DEADLINE

stupid ass holes
Except for the riff before the breakdown and that following breakdown at the end of the first song, and a cool lead riff at the end of the third song. the songs are all pretty mediocre and forgetable.

I was really stoked for this, but just listened through it twice in my car and i think im gonna be taking it out. even tho the mix is outstanding and sounds great!
This may be a silly question, but if one guy produces and engineers an album and then sends it to another guy who then reamps the guitars before mixing it, wouldn't they both have engineering credits? Would choosing what drum samples to use or making drum samples just for that particular mix count as engineering?
This may be a silly question, but if one guy produces and engineers an album and then sends it to another guy who then reamps the guitars before mixing it, wouldn't they both have engineering credits? Would choosing what drum samples to use or making drum samples just for that particular mix count as engineering?

I would say no
From day 1 i've refused to choose sides in this internet war between APFP and JS, so just clarifying that haha. I still remain neutral.

Just want to point out something.

They did not put his name on the back of the CD. (as joey stated)

And they didn't put his name in the cd booklet, but they didn't really leave him out of the credits. They still included "recorded at foundation studios" in there.


Im not sure if it's out of the ordinary to just put the studio name and not the recording engineer, but considering the hostility you guys have had towards each other-with both of you guys "calling each other out" over twitter-I'm not at all surprised that they did this.
Either way, I've been observing this whole thing from the sidelines for a while now, and the comments you guys have made towards each other are very unprofessional to say the least.