Plea For a Purging New CD (LETS TRY THIS AGAIN)

Joey I kinda agree with what Brian said.

I completely understand your being upset and it is justified, but in all honesty is it worth taking the chance of ruining your reputation in the business?

I don't think so, you are living the dream most of us here would love to, i say just use this as a lesson, move on to your next project and continue to do what you do best :)
Marcus...stop listening. Go load up some Kamelot or even better, some 80's hair metal with guitar solos...get your head on straight. ;) (joking)
Joey, it sucks you weren't credited, but honestly it's not worth ruining your career over. This is not the album that will make or break you as a producer based on if you were credited with it or not... so no sense in stirring up a shitstorm imho.
That sucks mate, but TBH i wouldn't go shouting about it.
Good and popular as you are, Bad mouthing is not an endearing quality in a professional.... although id sure as hell be tempted to do the same if i was in your situation
Except for the riff before the breakdown and that following breakdown at the end of the first song, and a cool lead riff at the end of the third song. the songs are all pretty mediocre and forgetable.

I was really stoked for this, but just listened through it twice in my car and i think im gonna be taking it out. even tho the mix is outstanding and sounds great!

Yeah... I dig the low tuned groove riffs, but they got too carried away with it. Too monotonous. It would have been nice to hear more lead playing to spice things up a bit. I do like the "The Jealous Wings" kinda prog rock track though... reminds me of the clean singing sections BTBAM has.
man its sounds so great !
and I didnt knew they are that douchbags with no respect at all... sad

the bass sounds like a mosnter - any info on that?

good job joey and brian :D
yeah but the band didn't produce the album... if someone is sitting with you and asking your outside opinion on what to do, and the outside opinion coming from you is molding the entire project, then you are producing the project

this is what i did. i am sorry but they're ass hats for claiming that they produced it lol...

honestly i don't care. i am a top 40 producer, this cd will die in a year or so because it's just not their 15 minutes to shine right now.