Please for the love of GOD, someone enlighten me...


Sep 25, 2009
Please, take the time and make it through the video, no matter how hard it is.

Before you read, let it be known I am literally pissed. I hope that this doesn't offend anyone.

let me start off by saying I never ever want to talk bad about any band. Its common courtesy of being IN a band and its just not good to have one band be vocal about another, negatively. Usually even if the music is terrible I'll just not pay attention to it and say nothing. I know that bad bands, (literally bad, bad to everyone, not just my own personal opinion) get picked up by labels for one reason or another and usually end up somehow succeeding if they even get that far....BUT

This is a whole new level of bad. I mean does Victory want to like sign a band because they are like the worst, ever? Just so people will talk about how bad it is? I mean are Labels just going to start signing things that are terrible so they get tons of views on youtube and get to make the advertizement money off of them? JUST TO MAKE SOME MONEY??? Just because a bunch of young boys dressed like slutty scene girls is 'the new image'? "these kids have something new and fresh"? the only think that is fresh about this is the smell of fresh shit coming from it. I mean what the hell is going on these days? How can a record label sell and sign something that is this bad? Do people really like this because of the level of terrible? I can sort of understand the comical value of this but really, this is just mind bottling.

I actually take major offense to everything and all that is with this above band and situation. There are hundreds of bands out there more worthy of a decent record deal from a decent label, you know bands that actually care about the musical integrity of their bands. I mean after all this is music right? Have we forgotten the definition of music?

Regardless of who knew who or even if they spent years living inside a van, how the FUCK is is bad music like this getting so much attention? I do not doubt that MAYBE, just maybe this band actually worked hard to get where they are but I firmly believe that this is not the case. Victory records wins with trolling the FUCK out of me and (judging by the number of dislikes) thousands of other people.

On a personal note, this really is a tough pill to swallow watching things like this get exposed and backed. What really is the criteria to get a band to go somewhere now days?? Yes, I also am taking this from a "should have been us" or hell, any OTHER FUCKING BAND that was better than them attitude. There is actual money going to these kids and actual backing. They jumped from 1700 facebook likes to like almost 10,000 after they got scooped up.
My mind is so overwhelmed with questions and just pure shock that it may seem that im just rambling. I could go on and on for days and days with what is wrong with them and this situation. Its just very frustrating.

So all I have to say, Plain and simple, un-professional or not coming from me, DO NOT give a shit what anyone thinks: FUCK YOU Dani Doom and your stupid band. Yes you have succeeded on getting some shitty project signed and seen but I hope that the fame is worth all the people who think you, and your band, not only have dicks in your mouth, but also in your ass.

/rant, I feel much better.

In Closing. If someone has anything at all to enlighten me on this whole situation please do so. I'm completely at a loss for further words.
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dude, two words: VICTORY RECORDS. they throw 10 pieces of sh** against a wall each year and see what sticks. it's simply following trends, sure they are way too late, but it's still following a trendy.

I mean look at this the band VR signed.
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dude, two words: VICTORY RECORDS. they throw 10 pieces of sh** against a wall each year and see what sticks. it's simply following trends, sure they are way too late, but it's still following a trendy.

I mean look at this the band VR signed.

vid didint work... ill have to try it again later maybe...

Really? I mean, is this a typical thing they do? I have no clue what goes on in the offices of labels but this trend even seems like very "scene-y" didnt that die back in like 07'?

I can take really band bands man but this is like shit worse than any highschool band that came out of anything near where we live.

EDIT: saw the video, that is still MUCH better than design the skyline in terms of it all being shit.
OK... yes... that may just be the worst thing ever. The bizarre thing is, that's what it sounds like with a pretty clean production. I can only imagine how awful the demo was that got them signed.
OK... yes... that may just be the worst thing ever. The bizarre thing is, that's what it sounds like with a pretty clean production. I can only imagine how awful the demo was that got them signed.

or how bad they will sound once they get hooked up with a nice slot on the warped tour!

and parents are worrying about their kids being on drugs when their heads are filled with this shit...

I mean whos to think that some random kid who is just getting into metal for some reason gets told by adds next to their favorite victory band (ADTR) that this is the new hot shit... and so starts the un-educated spread of "hey listen to this, its cool, just like ADTR"......

The field is lost....

Everything is lost....

The scene ones have fallen from the sky and the industry in ruins lie.....
Listen to it without the video. When I first saw it with the video, I couldn't stand it. But without the video, the music is entertaining.
My speakers & ears will never forgive you......:lol:

Don't even understand why there is any kind of market for this....Lets just hope they are one & done......
My speakers & ears will never forgive you......:lol:

Don't even understand why there is any kind of market for this....Lets just hope they are one & done......

Why is there a market for most of the music discussed on this board, such as generic euro-power metal? Some people just happen to like it.
Sorry Camden, but I couldn't get through the video.... I honestly don't think I've ever seen anything that bad outside of a middle school auditorium.... :puke:

I mean really.

its just astonishing that these are the kind of bands that get chosen. I really wonder what would happen if Victory just decided to take a leap and sign say something good that was prog/power based and used the HERE LISTEN TO THIS marketing to make it cool..... but just with better music???? Its not like they don't have the money to do so, or just to try something new.
That was truly awful, but after listening to the new Ryche tunes over the last couple of weeks, the blow was somehow softened.

Back on the PM:X board (and I think the early days of this board) there was a strong argument about "prog snobs" and how we tend to be elitists regarding our music. That line of thinking really goes far beyond just music, though. Culture, in general, has become fodder for the lowest common denominator. Take your pick: movies, TV, music, literature..... The tastes of the average consumer are definitely on the decline. Everything needs to be "eye candy" with little or no substance.

Taking it further, look at the education system nowadays, and the intelligence of the kids and adults (I'm looking straight at YOU Mrs. Palin) that are being turned out. We don't want to CHALLENGE the youth of today; we want to coddle them and remind them that your special "just the way you are". It's the continuing dilution of the genetic pool, and even though music has very little to do with how this country / world is going to be run in 10 years, it follows a very similar pattern to a lot of other areas in which many of us share similar opinions and beliefs, and is indicative of the decay of western civilization.....

(Getting off soapbox now..... )
That was truly awful, but after listening to the new Ryche tunes over the last couple of weeks, the blow was somehow softened.

Back on the PM:X board (and I think the early days of this board) there was a strong argument about "prog snobs" and how we tend to be elitists regarding our music. That line of thinking really goes far beyond just music, though. Culture, in general, has become fodder for the lowest common denominator. Take your pick: movies, TV, music, literature..... The tastes of the average consumer are definitely on the decline. Everything needs to be "eye candy" with little or no substance.

Taking it further, look at the education system nowadays, and the intelligence of the kids and adults (I'm looking straight at YOU Mrs. Palin) that are being turned out. We don't want to CHALLENGE the youth of today; we want to coddle them and remind them that your special "just the way you are". It's the continuing dilution of the genetic pool, and even though music has very little to do with how this country / world is going to be run in 10 years, it follows a very similar pattern to a lot of other areas in which many of us share similar opinions and beliefs, and is indicative of the decay of western civilization.....

(Getting off soapbox now..... )

haha i totally see where you were going and agree with the new outlook of music of the 12-18 year old youths these days... I mean hell, it makes ME feel old when my little cousin and all his friends comes up to me asking if I know who As I Lay Dying are and to Check out Design the Skyline.
Yeah I'm curious what anyone could possibly find enjoyable about this. As for the earlier comment, at least "generic Euro power metal" has some basic talent behind it.

I mean really that wasn't even a fair comparison. I wouldn't even consider this band on the same level or genre of say Emmure and that's already terrible.

Im all about each to his own but I'm fairly certain the general outlook of this band is really terrible and not entertaining.

Now if were talking about a label releasing music that will cause people to literally get pissed off and want to kill things, then this is the next big thing since hatebreed and biohazard.
Because there is no such thing as good or bad anything. We are all just perspectives, reflecting on our own subjective ideas and beliefs. There is no objective "good music" or "bad music." People like this band, others rage at them. Maybe this band can draw 1,000 people at home. Who knows, but it's not anyone else's fault that opinions differ.
Once upon a time, this label was great. Now, it's this....

Still don't know why Jungle Rot signed with em recently. Odd choice.

That I thought was an odd choice too, considering that I had heard that their headlining tour last summer was a monster flop. Who knows.