Please for the love of GOD, someone enlighten me...

Why is there a market for most of the music discussed on this board, such as generic euro-power metal? Some people just happen to like it.

As mentioned previously, talent is a key factor.... I listen to a lot of different stuff, and in all of it, some kind of talent is involved. I'm sure EVERY response in this thread has the obligatory "IMO", but I found no redeeming qualities in the video. Just what is happening to the youth & the music today!???

/shakes my cane at nobody in particular.....


This kind of stuff is everywhere. I guess having a recording studio I get exposed to bands like this - kids come in and say "we want our vocals to sound like Attack Attack" - bring on the overdone autotune!

Wow.....what's with the constant "shitting into a bucket" posturing in that Attack^2 vid?????!!! :flame:

Notice, I'm not even commenting on how bad the music is! :Saint:

(but it's still better than the original post in this thread.....IMO, of course)
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I know you're mad Camden, especially since you're in a band and you get to see this stuff being pushed while you get shafted.

It's just the young folks rebelling against the old. Now that the folks getting older and having kids are the ones who grew up on slayer and pantera....their kids don't find "fucking hostile" quite as rebellious as I did. I for one have always loved music. Whether I heard that music from my parents or not, if I liked it I listened to it. I think a lot of kids want to find something that their parents will absolutely hate...I'm pretty sure bands like Design the Skyline fit that build for a good amount of that demographic...especially if their parents tolerate metal. I say that because Design the Skyline seems to be creating songs for the moment instead of trying to create songs that might last a lifetime. I'll still be listening to Pantera 15 to 20 years from now...I seriously doubt if Design the Skyline will still be spinning at that time.

I'm in a band too...but I try and stay true to the fact that I've made music for me. I make the music that I like hearing and I hope others find something to enjoy in it too.

The fact that Victory records backed Hatebreed at one time...only shows that kids used to rebel with hatebreed. Now that "man's" kid needs something like Design the Skyline to drown out dad's "Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire" cd.
true. and it's sad because of how so many people have taken the Rolling Stones and Spins and Hit Paraders of the world so utterly literal and decided that metal just needs to be about rebellion. Metal is not about rebellion. Metal is about discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo, or the hand you've been given, or even yourself. The discontent with the fact that all things can always be made better but don't even live up to the minimum standard. It is not so simple and faux-romantic as 'rebellion' and I hate when it's lumped in with that half-a-century-old mindset that liberal arts students now purchase by the bushel by way of an artificial vintage rock tee and Dad's money.
true. and it's sad because of how so many people have taken the Rolling Stones and Spins and Hit Paraders of the world so utterly literal and decided that metal just needs to be about rebellion. Metal is not about rebellion. Metal is about discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo, or the hand you've been given, or even yourself. The discontent with the fact that all things can always be made better but don't even live up to the minimum standard. It is not so simple and faux-romantic as 'rebellion' and I hate when it's lumped in with that half-a-century-old mindset that liberal arts students now purchase by the bushel by way of an artificial vintage rock tee and Dad's money.

By far I think that's the worst song I've heard in my life. I just don't get the whole screaming, death voice, and attempts at melodic all in the same song. No structure whatsoever. Maybe it's me but I never liked the excessive use of the death voice and the screaming is just unbearable. I hope I never have to hear this again.
when kids get bored of just being “emo,” they tend to migrate toward something more chaotic. this is where the brootal character comes in. almost like parasites, they move from one scene to another, draining all originality from that genre before moving onto the next.

not sophisticated enough to understand technical metal, and too much of a pansy to hang with the death metal crowd, he hangs with the rest of the brootal kids. as a collective, they have no idea where they are headed. they listen to brootal music not because they have an appreciation or understanding of it, but because it is practically unlistenable.

he works on grindcore logos in his notebook all day long, as he aspires to one day design band merch. to show the world his poetic side, he renames himself using alliteration- davey deathkill or stevey suicide, for example.

much like the mindless music they listen to, one brootal kid is hard to differentiate from another due to the swarm of white belts and out of control hair.


While you can't say that an artist makes objectively shitty product, given the subjective nature of taste, you can look at popular trends, you can make some conjecture about the nature of the music industry and the culture that keeps it alive, and make some philosophical points (AKA wank) about the direction that media and (consumer) culture is headed.

And it looks rather bleak. I think there's a certain status quo being made and preserved with this surge of witless hair-core bands, which is essentially that of degenerate apathy. It's more or less manufactured to piss off parents, prognsobs, and there's an almost anti-intellectual scent here; substance-free by design. However, unlike hippies, punks of the past where sincerity was tantamount to credibility, you can't make it -and- be sincere with this type of music, and it's that lack of, and discouragement of sincerity that bothers me. Like somehow the bands being "not serious" makes them somehow above criticism. The euro and prog styled metal we enjoy 'round these parts would be considered "too serious" and "not br00tal enuff" and i'm fine with that difference of opinion, but the idea that someone being serious about their artistic output is somehow a -bad- thing is just juvenile, at best. Yeah, every artist that has ever been serious about it in the history of art is lame, let me tell ya.

The appeal is obvious. Teenagers can't be arsed to care about anything beyond the superficial and disposable qualities of a given group's image and output, and to that depth they seem to paradoxically care -very much- about maintaining the image of not caring, and from a developmental standpoint that also makes some sense, since you're looking at an age peroid where everyone is scrambling to establish and maintain identity and sense of self apart from the parents.

To put things into a littl perspective, when I was of the age group that the hair-core shit appeals to, the big thing was the "WHARBLGARBL IM SO FUCKED UP AND HAVE PROBLLEEEEEEEEEEUUUUMZ RAPROCKRAPROCK!" nu-metal shit which was equally as asinine. and we all wore these:


The shit this tread is about is little more than a fairly natural consumerist evolution. It's louder, more obnoxious, more colorful and with even less of a purpose. It's a +2 flaming nu metal, and even has the same effect on the genres it takes influence from, by sucking everything good out of them, and turning into a marketable product. It's the new Limp Bizkit, and I hope it becomes as reviled as nu metal is now.
While you can't say that an artist makes objectively shitty product, given the subjective nature of taste, you can look at popular trends, you can make some conjecture about the nature of the music industry and the culture that keeps it alive, and make some philosophical points (AKA wank) about the direction that media and (consumer) culture is headed.

And it looks rather bleak. I think there's a certain status quo being made and preserved with this surge of witless hair-core bands, which is essentially that of degenerate apathy. It's more or less manufactured to piss off parents, prognsobs, and there's an almost anti-intellectual scent here; substance-free by design. However, unlike hippies, punks of the past where sincerity was tantamount to credibility, you can't make it -and- be sincere with this type of music, and it's that lack of, and discouragement of sincerity that bothers me. Like somehow the bands being "not serious" makes them somehow above criticism.

I say like their facebook and post what you think about their music. after all music is about the "fans" right?
So, quick question..

What makes Converge better than these guys? 'cuz I recall getting shit for not liking Converge before. >_> My only clue is that Converge has a kind of melody sometimes for a few seconds? And I've heard that they do really weird time signatures?

Is that it?

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Most awful thing I have ever heard, sounds like finger nails on a blackboard. I think i would rather smell a fart in a spacesuit than listen to another second of that crap.
lol -yeah, I only watched the vid up until they started playing - not about to watch the whole thing from work here. But hey, fashions change - I'm coming to grips with the fact that I have no idea what cool looks like any more - the visuals in the vid may or may not take off as a trend - I could care less.

The music is certainly not the worst thing I've ever heard. Sounds pretty typical for the crappy screamo/hardcore that's been out for several years now. At least the production was pretty good, had some pretty good guitar tone even if the playing sucked, and the vocals were processed to sound pretty brutal instead of the whiney screamo crap that usually goes with this kind of sound. Oh and the synths in the intro were nice - too bad they started playing over it a few seconds in. :p

Can't say I'm too surprised that this is happening. It isn't going to bother me any more now, 'cause I'm not listening to any more of it. :D
If the Internet had been around 30 or 40 years ago when Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath first started posting their videos on YouTube, this same thread would have existed, only with different names. Maybe on an Elvis Presley forum:

"Check out this band Black Sabbath, just signed by the formerly-prestigious Philips Records. This stuff is utter garbage and pointless noise!"

And they would have thought they were just as self-aware:

"Yeah, sure, when I started listening to Elvis Presley, my dad said it was the devil's music and kicked me out of the house, but that was clearly just a generational difference; he couldn't wrap his mind around the new sounds of rock'n'roll. But this "heavy metal"? No, THIS is different! This is much more than just a generational difference (after all, I'm still cool and not a set-in-his-ways old man like he was!) This IS objectively worse, in a way that is scientifically demonstrable, in a way that has never been seen before in the history of music. Finally, after years of false alarms about the downfall of music from one generation to the next, we finally have the REAL alarm. Mark my words, this so-called "Black Sabbath" will destroy music forevermore!"

Oh, and btw, I'm an uncool set-in-his-ways old man too, because I think Design the Skyline is terrible (or really epic joke/trolling). But at least I'm aware of how old I am!

I dunno, I think that's an unfair comparison. Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath may be different, but they do have real vocalists who can sing well. Or at least Ozzy did, before all the drugs. >_> Their original album was some really bluesy stuff! And their songs have melodies.. harmonies.. stuff like that.