Please help me identify these bugs.

Det Som Engang Var

Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
I know it's a random thread to be making here, but you guys are smart and I'd rather keep this off Facebook. The picture sucks but it's as clear of a shot as I can get of the little things, and this was one of the big ones.

Most of them are barely visible, but some get to be about a centimeter large. (Maybe a little less). Their bites itch like hell, and they bite and bite and bite. Raid seems to have no effect on them. If I smash them, they bleed over my walls, so I've taken to burning them with a lighter.

For the last few months these little bastards have eaten me alive every night and kept me awake. I've burned them by the score. Burned them on my walls. Burned them on my bed. Thing is, I really like my bed and I can't afford another one. It's a little memory foam mattress that stays on the floor because I don't have a frame for it.

Even if I did do away with the bed, they're still on the walls, from floor to ceiling. So I really don't think the bed is the problem. There's rarely more than one or two on it anyway, the majority stay on the walls. Seemingly just one corner of my room. I hunt them down and burn them until I can't see them anymore, and they keep coming back. Sometimes I think they're finally done for a few days, but then they always reappear. Presumably they'd be bed bugs, but those don't live on walls, do they?

What the hell are these things? I got some Raid fumigater things but I haven't used them yet. Not sure if it'd even help or not.
It's cool. They don't nest in the bed, I think. So I can take them out. I fucking massacred hoardes of them in new spots I found the night I made the first post, and I've had just a few bites since then. I'll get em.
From the color and general shape, I'd also say bed bugs. If you rent the place that you live, your landlord may be responsible for extermination. If not, you still need an exterminator! Those things are very hard to get rid of. Good luck!
I like breaking your balls, but those are bed bugs.

Should have your place treated. Landlord should be responsible.

Also you've likely carried them to friends/family. Should let them know and see if they have similar issues.
Thanks, guys. Landlord said they are not responsible. I can barely pay rent, exterminator is out of the question. I guess I'll be sleeping on the floor for awhile. Ah, well. At least now I know.
i doubt it's ticks. the picture was extremely blurry, but ticks look more like fat spiders than potatoes. also, ticks dont 'bite', they burrow into the skin, and i dont think they really travel in swarms inside the house like that.
Then enjoy the tick borne disease later on

Remember not to eat red meat now for the rest
Of your life!!

Think I am joking look up the journals
they are not ticks. ticks do not bite and let go. like others have said, they burrow on the skin. besides, they are not the shape of the bug shown. They are round, and flat. And, if they are bed bugs, they do not pose a high risk. They are, basically, an annoyance.