Please, recommend movies

well sailor moon and dragon ball z suck but that's prolly the only anime you've seen because some anime is the most psychologically fucked up shit you can watch.
well sailor moon and dragon ball z suck but that's prolly the only anime you've seen
When you assume things you make an ass out of uma thurman.

And to seriously respond to that, Ive had many friends into anime and theyve forced me to watch a lot of it, so I have seen "real" anime and I think it sucks ass. Don't assume that just because I don't like it, I'm uninformed. :)
good point but if I may ask what "real" anime are we talking about here because a lot of people don't know where to find the good stuff.
good point but if I may ask what "real" anime are we talking about here because a lot of people don't know where to find the good stuff.

for the most part, the only "anime" that's really any good is "hentai"
A lot of people have recommended American Psycho. Which I've seen, but it wasn't very interesting since I had read the book first.

when a movie is based on a book, the book is always better, except when the book is really really crappy and somehow still gets made into a movie, but that's really rare

the reason that the the 1st harry potter movie came out identical to the book was because the 1st book was unmistakably written with the intent of it becoming a screenplay
A lot of people have recommended American Psycho. Which I've seen, but it wasn't very interesting since I had read the book first.

i never read the book because when it came out, all the bookstores close to my house refused to sell it because of it's extreme graphicness