Please take this short band survey!


Jul 19, 2002
Las Vegas
First off, thank you for your time in reading this. What I'm looking for is a simple poll of metalheads in general. The following is a list of bands from a 3-day festival show. I'd like to know how many of these bands you've even heard of, and how much you'd be willing to pay for a ticket to such an event, assuming it was in your hometown. That's it. Pretty simple, really. This is not market research for any upcoming shows, but actually a simple opinion poll for a show that took place 2 years ago. I will compile and forward your survey results (but not your names or e-mails) to the concert promoter who organized this show.... Please help us settle a bet, and don't be afraid to be completely honest! You may post here, or e-mail me direct (preferred) at:

Thanks again!

Band lineup:

Mad Margritt
Agent Steel

Erotic Suicide
Town Cryer XXI
Lazy Jane
The Szuters
Mad Margritt (again!)
Steel Prophet
Jag Panzer

John Taglieri
Robin Brock
Ken Tamplin
The Promise
New Eden
Picture Perfect
Swirl (again!)
Michael Morales
Vicious Rumors
Steel Prophet and Agent Steel are the only bands I've heard that I would want to see. I've heard good things about Cage, and would enjoy checking them out. Everyone else, I've either heard of and don't care about or I've never heard about.

I'd be willing to pay about $15 for this show.
Jag Panzer would be my #1 reason to go if it was close to my hometown! Vicious Rumors and Leatherwolf are running close to a tie for second.....

Agent Steel, New Eden, Enertia would be icing on the cake!!!!!
I'd be willing to pay $45-$65 just for these bands alone if it was in crawling distance from my home!

I'm not familiar with the rest of the bands, But I'm always game for checking out bands I haven't heard yet, especially live!

I sure hope that the band Vain isn't the same Vain i'm thinking of....:puke:

theres my two cents sir!

my curiosity is getting the best of me here.... I'd like to know what exactly your bet's about! can anyone else get in on it?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am not a fan of Steel Prophet...
I woundn't mind see Jag Panzer again...
Last time I paid 15 bucks to see them, Iced Earth and In Flames.
For a 3 day festival...maybe 60, definatly no more than 20 a night unless there were more bands I was intersed in.