Pls help: Jackson or Ibanez?

Ugh....having two guitars just works so much better. If you already have a guitar with a floyd rose, then buy a stop tail. If you aleady have a stop tail, then buy a floyd rose.

(And this goes out to everyone that is new to buying guitars, if you try a guitar that you have heard great things about, and it plays like utter shit, don't be discouraged, the string height (action) is most likely way too high. And of course that can be fixed.

Well not every body can buy two guitars...

I use usually Tremol-No for playing opeth songs for exemple, I want to play Ghost of Perdition I'd have to open all locks change tuning and close to locks + a non parallel bridge.

with Tremol-No you can block it in 2-3 seconds then change the tuning ( I change the tuning by using the ones on the bridge ). and if a string break off during you play and if you blocked the bridge, your tuning will not change and you could still try to finish playing the song...

Having to Guitars is better but you may still need to play in a different tuning while using your floyd.. in that case you can use the Only Dive Mode of the Tremol-No ; you can change the tuning as you want It wont have any effect + you can use Floyd in only one direction ( diving )..
Ha! I'm surprised BlueSky agrees with me :lol:

I agree with ya, too! I've got locking tuners on one of my Strats (I don't want to modify my EJ at all if I can help it!) and my Gibson Explorer. On top of being more stable, they're also quite a bit smoother in their action than either the stock Gibson or Fender tuners, which helps your tuning accuracy as well. Oh yeah, they also make changing strings easier and less time-consuming, so what's not to love?
I've never quite understood the purpose of locking tuners....... As Necropeth said, guitars do go out of tune once in awhile.
I remember seeing a Jackson Dinky (string through) with a locking nut. You must be pretty lazy to own one of those instead of checking your tuning every now and then.

EDIT: And usually, the locking tuners are on the expensive guitars, the ones that aren't real shitters.
yeah they're fucking expensive. Most retail stores up the price waaaayyyyy too high in the states. Best off getting one from ebay if you can find the one you're looking for.

i mean, i can't get my hands on one... just another poor college student.