Well, yes in that respect it is cheaper. However, I had downloaded the iLok trial and really liked it and then a PODxt Pro fell in my lap so instead of paying $100 for it I'm going to save $50 and get the same thing. I will be using the XT to monitor in real-time when the guitarist/bassist is tracking their part, while I record the DI tracks and use PODfarm to monitor on those DI's afterwards but am able to tweak settings if I feel like it, etc. It actually made doing things a little more efficient for me while saving me $50.
You should also know that if you have the iLok version, you cannot run PODfarm in standalone to just jam around on or anything. You HAVE to be in a host and HAVE to be monitoring the signal through there. With a Line6 unit like the XT Pro, XT Bean, etc. you can use the standalone version if you choose. Now, I know obviously if you have a XT sitting there why would you want to use the standalone? Doesn't hurt to have all the options

That's just how I view it though.