POD people... I need some pointers right now, please!

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Ok... so here's the deal... I realize my patch was getting too djenty sounding... too POD-ish, you know, so I wanted a little change.

I went and experimented with the Criminal today. Made some tweaks and was not feeling it... so I went back to my trusted Big Bottom. I tweaked the shit out of it, worked on some simple clips, reamped a thousand times... nope... I wasn't getting anywhere.

I don't know where to go right now! What model should I try? What kind of settings? Any kind of pointers would be welcome.

BTW, what I'm trying to accomplish (I know I'm obviously not gonna get totally there with a POD xt on it's own, but I wanna get as close as I can). I'm going for a tone sort of like In This Moment's Beautiful Tragedy.

Something raw. Something big and fat that still retains a sense of tightness and clarity. All that with a hint of djent. Not too much, just to give the tone a bit of character, but not so that it sounds ABSOLUTELY djenty, you guys know what I mean?

So... well... thank you to whoever takes the time to point me somewhere :D
Whatever amp model you end up using, I'd definitely stick with the Treadplate 4x12 cab (assuming you aren't using impulses) and Tube Screamer sim for all of 'em. Beyond that, I always liked the "Criminal" and "Deity's Son" models! (assuming you have the metal pack, if not, Treadplate dual and especially Line 6 Treadplate are the best IMO)
Thanks, man. I do have the Metal pack, but the Criminal was not exactly working with me when I tried tweaking it. It came out either too boxy or too fizzy for my tastes. Definitely did not have that 'hint of djent but not too much' I wanted. If I could get something that stood in the middle ground between the Big Bottom and the Criminal, that would be great.

Oh and definitely! I'm using the Treadplate 4x12 and the Screamer stomp as well. I wouldn't do anything high-gain without them.

I'll give the Deity's Son a try... is that the VH4 or the Herbert?
Whatever amp model you end up using, I'd definitely stick with the Treadplate 4x12 cab (assuming you aren't using impulses) and Tube Screamer sim for all of 'em. Beyond that, I always liked the "Criminal" and "Deity's Son" models! (assuming you have the metal pack, if not, Treadplate dual and especially Line 6 Treadplate are the best IMO)

+1 and by the way Marcus do you have any clips using the Deity's son model? Would just like to hear it in action. I also find that using the tube drive pedal can also bring a bit of a realistic amp feel to recordings too.
Yeah actually, I've got a few recorded ones lying around (I sold my pod to JBroll a few weeks ago), I'll dig one up
Thanks, man. I do have the Metal pack, but the Criminal was not exactly working with me when I tried tweaking it. It came out either too boxy or too fizzy for my tastes. Definitely did not have that 'hint of djent but not too much' I wanted. If I could get something that stood in the middle ground between the Big Bottom and the Criminal, that would be great.

Oh and definitely! I'm using the Treadplate 4x12 and the Screamer stomp as well. I wouldn't do anything high-gain without them.

I'll give the Deity's Son a try... is that the VH4 or the Herbert?

Clearly you should be layering the Criminal and Big Bottom!
I learned after a while with my Pod XT Live that any time I tried to make a better sound, it was never as good as the first tone I ever made with the unit. In other words, my tone got progressively worse in the process of trying to make it sound better.

You can chase your tail endlessly with these things, at the end of the day any sound you get will be "catered" and skewed towards some particular frequency range in a cheesy and plastic sounding way. Great tools for demoing and djenty math metal, but if you want lush, full-bodied 5150 tone or something, they can't do it.
Clearly you should be layering the Criminal and Big Bottom!

+1. I think you want too many things to get it with just one patch. I guess you´ll have to stick with BigBottom at least the get djentyness. Maybe you should try the Dual-Tone coming with POD Farm. My favourite model has always been Diamondplate with TS, Tradplate 4x12 and 57 on axis (or sometimes the 67). The Purge and Lunacy models can get pretty aggressive too if you play with the eq.
Clearly you should be layering the Criminal and Big Bottom!

+1. I think you want too many things to get it with just one patch. I guess you´ll have to stick with BigBottom at least the get djentyness.
I tried that with no luck so far. Somehow, it sounded like they were competing with each other and in the end, I lost a lot of clarity. I didn't play too much with settings, tho, so I might need even less gain or something.

You can chase your tail endlessly with these things, at the end of the day any sound you get will be "catered" and skewed towards some particular frequency range in a cheesy and plastic sounding way. Great tools for demoing and djenty math metal, but if you want lush, full-bodied 5150 tone or something, they can't do it.
I don't expect my POD to sound like a full-bodied 5150, but I've heard some great stuff that doesn't necessarily have the djenty tone that still sound good. Toxic Grind Machine, for example.

I really don't have much choice but to stick with my POD for the time being, tho. The budget's not all that big around here :(
Deity's Son is Diezel Herbert - Crunch Channel. I like it, too. For metal Rhythm, I prefer Big Bottom. For soloing, a Tube Drive before an amp makes low notes become tighter.
I agree with others who have said Criminal + Big Bottom is a winning combo. With some clever EQ in the mix, you can get tone that is about 80% as good as the real thing.
and how about the amp for metal solos? Which one do you like most? Now I'm experimenting with Soldano SLO100 Head for Lead work. But others like JCM800, Deity's Son do it well.
try the Spinal Puppet model with compression after the amp, and use the 4x15 bass cabinet with the tube mic (far away). when i use the Big Bottom model, i like to have it paired up with the Soldano. that's a pretty killer combo. 4x15 cab for the Big Bottom and the V30 cab for the Soldano.