Pod xt guitar test


Flaccid Member
Sep 4, 2007
I've been messing around trying to find a decent guitar tone lately, not really sure if I'm hitting my mark. This is quad tracked, all POD xt. I used 2 different models, same cab to keep some consistency. Standard 100/80 panning. Bass is pitch shifted guitar, with a few plugs and an 8x10 impulse. Drums are nothing special, cause I'm not worried about that right now. Just the Cracky metal preset from Slate Drums EX. i threw some parallel compression on there and tweaked the preset a tad. Some comp and GClip on the master.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4857613/metal thing.mp3
P.S. The playing is a little shitty, i know. I was gonna replay everything, but since this was just a test i was dicking around with, i didn't bother.
A bit scooped to be honest (not massively so luckily), but otherwise it's not a terrible tone by any means. It's got a nice high end bite to it, now just put some more mids back into it
hmmm. i didn't thing it was that scooped, but i'll try adding a little more mids on the main tone. just some eq on those. HP and LP and a little 5k and the main tone. the second tone was a few db lower than the main. it was more for added presence.
What settings are you using on your POD xt? I think it sounds pretty good. Are the guitars just dual tracked or quad tracked? Sounds very thick. I like it :)