Pod XT Pro Help!!!


Mar 26, 2009
Puyallup, Washington
I've been messing with levels an eq with pod farm to get a metalcore sound, and am getting this ugly picking sound that stands out when I palm mute. or am I just not playing tight enough?

currently I am using tube screamer (drive 40%, gain 61%, tone 50%) with the cali diamond plate (drive 52%, bass 96%, mid 36%, treble 85%, presence 78%, volume 46%). And I cut eq at 50hz so I can eliminate the nonsense woof noises from the amp sim. :kickass:


thanks a lot guys.
And please tell me anything you may suggest.
Way too much bass on the amp sim there.
Not sure what you mean about picking sound, pick attack?
My guess is that you don't have the guitars in context and you boost the low end too much, and/or your tones are ovelapping too much and because of that it just starts to sound like shit. I didn't spend too much time on this one, it's just a demo with midi drums, bass guitar and double guitars playing this super simple D# E F# progression in drop C tuning. First two styles of open playing, then two styles of muted playing, hope it gives you an idea: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1338211/mix/mixdown.wav

And here it is broken down:


As you can hear, the guitars are REALLY thin, but because you have this bass that sounds like a monstertruck, it give you the nice and round bottom end and glues the performances together, while the guitars stay pretty clear. The guitar chain has four plugins in it:

1) Pod Farm
- Noise gate (treshold set so that it kills the noise, decay 30%)
- Screamer (drive 20%, gain and tone 100%)
- Treadplate Dual (drive 75%, bass 0%, middle 50%, treble 60%, presence 75%, volume 100%), cab 4x12 2001 Treadplate, Room 50%, 57 on axis

2) JB Ferox tapesim (to make the digitalness of podfarm less apparent)
otherwise default except
- Low cut 120hz
- Highcut 8500hz
- Saturation 30%
- Hysterisis 0%
- Output level 0dB

3) Waves C1-SC (to kill the excess woof)
- Load depopper preset, but change the frequency to 160 and set threshold so that it cuts ~9dB

4) EQ
- Highpass at 110hz, -6dB @ 425hz (semi narrow Q)
Personally I don't think the guitars need to sound THAT thin as the example AH gave us, going as far to set the bass to 0 per cent on the amp sim, but at any rate it's better than 96 per cent.
I tend to give my POD Patch about 70 per cent bass and some other fairly extreme settings (but I keep the drive lowish, around 65 per cent because my pickups are pretty high output), but via the 4 band semi parametric EQ included in the POD/POD Farm I cut various frequencies more specifically.
With the 4 band, don't worry about anything below 100 Hz, that will be taken care of via a high pass filter, so I tend to set around 300-350 Hz for one band (cuts the wooliness out), 650-800Hz for another band (cuts out any excess "honking" sounding mids, should you need to do so), 1.5-3KHz (tames excess pick attack and scratchy-ness)and cut around 5 KHz or higher (to kill the excess brightness)
Exact frequencies depend on what particular amp sim you use, but these are fairly good guidelines for Diamond Plate and Big Bottom.