POD XT vs. X3 ???


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
I was just about to order myself a POD XT, but I just realized there's an X3 out now? LOL. Does anyone have one? Is it worth an extra $100 to get the X3 instead? The real advantage I see is being able to have a Mic preamp built in so I can record my acoustic guitars. Your opinions? Thanks!
eh. Unless you plan on layering amps and stuff, I can't say it's worth the money. Until Line 6 comes up with something actually NEW (not just repackaged) I can't justify the upgrade.
I really like Shane's (Kazrog's) tone, but it requires the Metal pack. The x3 comes with the metal pack I think... whereas the XT doesn't. So if I get the XT and the metal pack, i'm already dishing out $350. So i dunno...
Ok... Here's the differences that I've found:

XT 42
X3 78

XT 60
X3 98

XT 128
X3 378

XT 8
X3 9 per instrument

XT model packs sold separately

XT yes
X3 no

XT 1/4"
X3 1/4" AND XLR Microphone

I'm almost thinking it'd be worth it to get it for the fact that it has mic presets to record acoustics, as well as the ability to loop the POD into my recording interface as well as my amp, as well as dual track amps. hmmm... interesting. Any positive comments now? lol
Get the x3. They have all the add ons and updated/better converters (that's what Line6 say).
Thanks everyone. Yeah, i'm really leaning towards the X3... I just figured with all of the gear sluts on this forum, someone might have both of them and be able to let me know if it's worth the extra $100. :lol:
It really is worth the extra just to be able to have two signal chains at once - this means several things...

You can run two amps in parallel. You can also retain your delay trails by flipping between the two tone-chains, rather than flipping the same tone-chain.
Never had a single problem with my X3 Live. The already included model packs is a big bonus and that's before you get into the other advantages.
I'm not sure if the X3 runs on the same software as the POD Farm plug-in does, but the POD Farm plug-in sounds HEAPS better than my POD XT, even with exactly the same settings. It would kinda make sense, tho. The POD Farm software is more up-to-date than the XT.
Get the X3. It's EXACTLY the same as the XT; except you can run two rigs at once, and get all the addon packs.

Definitely not exactly the same.
It sounds better because of updated amp models. The difference isn't dramatic, but it's there at least.
Definitely not exactly the same.
It sounds better because of updated amp models. The difference isn't dramatic, but it's there at least.

I'd be weary about that; marketing can be a real placebo effect. Anyway... it's still good regardless; I did two tracks last night with the Podfarm plugin... and I was blown away really. Surprising how much five years of knowledge can go! :lol:
Man, I spent pretty much all day yesterday stewing over which model to get, and watching youtube videos, reading reviews, looking at the differences, etc. The only negative reviews I read about the X3 seemed to come from people who had absolutely no clue at what the fuck they were doing with it. I guess these are the same guys that give most guys a bad rap that girls accuse of "never stopping for directions"? :lol: If you spend $400-$500 on a piece of gear, why not learn to use it and get the most out of your money? I read similar silly reviews from the XT reviews as well -- just silly people without a leg to stand on really. But yeah, the X3 seemed like the one to go with for what I was looking for in the long run really.

Here's a funny side story about this too....
So I was calling all the GC's in the area asking if anyone had any XT's or X3's in stock that I could come down and pick up or try out. NOPE. Are you kidding me? The weekend before Christmas, and they don't have one of the most popular guitar effects gear in stock? Whwhwhat? On a positive note, they did offer to sell me the floor display unit at regular price. :lol: :lol: :lol: :loco: :loco: :loco: Wowwww. I felt bad, I literally laughed at the lady when she told me that. I asked why it would be normal price, and if I could get a discount since a bunch of dumbass 13 year olds are in there every day fucking with it, messing it up, and getting their who-knows-where-they've-been hands and germs all over it? Anyway, not a real important story, I just thought it was amusing. Good thing Musicians Friend offered free s&h. :)
No way dude, don't feel bad for laughing, that bitch is a fucking cunt for even trying to take you for a ride like that, screw her :lol:

And why anyone would consider using Line6 modeling technology for tones (not to mention spending money on it :puke: ) in the days of cheap audio interfaces and LePou, Nick Crow, and Onqel (TSE) utterly escapes me :loco: