Poet You Fuck Ass


I need to get your address and send you xeroxes of that big as article of teh devil music.

it goes all the way back to pagenini to present day hahahha.
never read that one

Yeah dude, im eating like an animal, and gulping my 3rd pepsi.

Im getting ready to hit the shower. Tryin to let my self cool down first. DOnt want to have aheart attack from the water tempreture you know.
Speaking of crazy BM shit. Did you know SAMOTH lead guitarist for Emperor burned down a few churches...:lol: Serious.. I dont know how long exactly he was in the ''joint'' for.

I also heard there old old drummer was in jail for murder.. he is still in jail now :eek:
yeah, and that article i have . REally fucked up ppl. He killed that guy in the park, after he stabbed him, he kicked him in the back of the head. He said he really wanted to make sure he was dead.

He said it was not a big deal.
he is a tool. He is a white power fuck wad now, he took his new name from some nazi didnt he?

Hey NEAL, whats up dude? Tell me now, and Ill read it tomorrow.
yeh he explains where his name an shit came from in the book. he is really a confused person. first a satanist, then a nationalist then a facist then a nazi blah blah. hes an idiot.

not much is up man. just kinda laying low this weekend gettin my shit together. im going to vegas on thursday and comin home monday. gonna be druged out the whole time hopefully :). talk to you tomorrow eh.
NEAL>>>Read fear and loathing first, then do what Hunter did.

have a great time ahead of time.

GUGS>>I have a huge article, not the book. BUt yeah, the article is awsome, as is, IM SURE, the book.
Originally posted by ledmag
NEAL>>>Read fear and loathing first, then do what Hunter did.

have a great time ahead of time.

GUGS>>I have a huge article, not the book. BUt yeah, the article is awsome, as is, IM SURE, the book.

Thanks fellas - BWD included - I'm going to order that book now.

And that movie, Fear & Loathing, is fucking hilarious. Never read the book, but the part where he takes all THAT acid and then has to walk like he's perpetually in some fucking limbo game...I'm cracking up just thinking about it...
Ah, you mean the mescaline and the eather. hahahhaha AT teh vegas carnival bizzar hahahha

Yeah, i have the movie to. I have all his books, and read his column every monday. He is GOD. Part of my sig is a saying he says.