
Speaking of dreams, here is a poem I actually wrote today during study hall titled "Without a Dream"

The songs I used to sing to her
She has forgotten so easily
Like dust erased by feathers

It's a shame
Her metamorphosis brought her there
How I wish it could bring her back

There was a time
When the sun wouldn't rise
Until her awakening
Now she has made her day the night

When the smoke found its way inside her
I became brittle and weak like air

Her guilty look killed me more
Yet it gave me some sort of hope

Now even her guilt is gone
I'm imprisoned outside her domain

I had been replaced
By a knight with needles
He rides a rusty horse of debauchery

She was a maiden of birth
And him not a father

He gave her a black seed of death

That day when I found her
More dead than usual

I tried to imagine her smile

That day in the park
Her mother alive
That one sweet summer
Not a cloud in the sky

"I love you daddy"
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

@d_t: I actually almost succumbed to what would have been a cheerful (literally, gay) ending. The last stanza underwent serious revision; the original conclusion had me embracing the girl as she cried and the last line was "Where others only dream to go." I decided to omit myself because the poem is actually based on a dream I had; and although I hugged the girl in the dream, I realized that she is still there, while I'm unfortunately stuck here. :cool: The only way to get back is to dream it, which will probably never happen.
I like that thought process. She's in this great moment, and you're back in reality. Fantastic piece.
"Le Noche Triste"

I heard a sound
the cry, of all things
that are to die

of all things
that are to come
sunk back into the hole
from where we all crept

the sun, the stars
they moan, they weep
i heard the sound...
they're restless tortured cry

as they slowly wither and die
and get sucked back in
from where we all came
a dot in the black
"Finis" or "Repose"

sleep, like a creeping shadow
looming over my head
a sheet;draped, covering
my eyes

Not unlike death
but far from it
drawn away
would be so easy

Tommorrow, I will wake again,
struggling in pain
but death is so far away
it would be so easy

Far detached and seperated
from it all
Yes I am, a shadow
in a world, of cold souls


I'm so afraid to try
it seems so easy, from afar

I try, I try,
The struggle within me,
it binds

Unable to free myself
it seems to easy, from afar

Clawing for the future and the freedom inside
I can only wait
free from the pain,
but for now I'm bound

Beauty of the way, not the end
I just decided to check out Langston Hughes and I am blown away. My subconscious racism was overridden when I read his poetry.
Devasya Chāyā;8652891 said:
Speaking of dreams, here is a poem I actually wrote today during study hall titled "Without a Dream"

The songs I used to sing to her
She has forgotten so easily
Like dust erased by feathers

It's a shame
Her metamorphosis brought her there
How I wish it could bring her back

There was a time
When the sun wouldn't rise
Until her awakening
Now she has made her day the night

When the smoke found its way inside her
I became brittle and weak like air

Her guilty look killed me more
Yet it gave me some sort of hope

Now even her guilt is gone
I'm imprisoned outside her domain

I had been replaced
By a knight with needles
He rides a rusty horse of debauchery

She was a maiden of birth
And him not a father

He gave her a black seed of death

That day when I found her
More dead than usual

I tried to imagine her smile

That day in the park
Her mother alive
That one sweet summer
Not a cloud in the sky

"I love you daddy"

"Le Noche Triste"

I heard a sound
the cry, of all things
that are to die

of all things
that are to come
sunk back into the hole
from where we all crept

the sun, the stars
they moan, they weep
i heard the sound...
they're restless tortured cry

as they slowly wither and die
and get sucked back in
from where we all came
a dot in the black

You guys both employ a slightly more paratactic style that isn't my strong suit; but there's some great imagery in both of these pieces. They each possess a very distinct aura.

Just a tip though, panzerfaust:
The line "they're restless tortured cry" should be "their restless tortured cry;" the previous actually means "they are restless tortured cry," which isn't what you were going for, I think.
a yes, good point there.I will admit, I have lot's of catching up to do on writing haha.

also, I realized the paratactic style of writing I have. I think I do this largely because I intend all of my pieces to be lyrics as well.Honestly, its something I would also like to change, but somehow I dont know how.

one more thing. when I write lyrics/poems, quite often I lean towards rhyming. But usually I consciously try to avoid rhyming. my question is, what is your opinion on rhyming?
srrrrry a little drunk here
ok Joe, a couple pages ago you mentioned something regarding Abstract Erotic poetry. This sounds extremely appealing to me, could you give me an example?

Intimate Trance

A grotesque beauty
Fractal strings and order
A benevolent disfigured symmetry
Under a black hood

Its bodies are restricted
Its minds are synchronized

Flowers grow odd petals long
And fall into the stream
The lotuses, so clean and crooked
Advancing on your mind

The hands, so subtle
And so discrete
They stroke across the faces
Of the pillars of your temple polished
The tongue filling the spaces

Echoes play an orchestra
A wispy stirring dream
A wave of the conductor's wand
Your body turns aside
And your body squirms again

Your temple is dark
And you are in a trance

The charmer's hand, it sings hypnosis
You are dreaming consensually

The lips open and serenade
"Are you listening?" they whisper

You twitch voluntarily
The beautiful ceiling brings closure
The paintings smile and watch intently
And you don't care

Your body tenses delightfully
Shape against shape
Movement on movement
Breath with breath
Moment after moment

And you scream
one more thing. when I write lyrics/poems, quite often I lean towards rhyming. But usually I consciously try to avoid rhyming. my question is, what is your opinion on rhyming?
srrrrry a little drunk here

Rhyming can be a great technique if used properly; but it's tough to quote a definite limit or method. I used to implement rhyme schemes in lots of my poetry, but I've since shied away from it (or at least away from adhering strictly to a specific pattern). Rhyme can be a great way to grab people's attention.

I don't agree with forcing rhyme though, because that often leads to the piece becoming contrived and losing its power. When rhyming becomes the primary focus the poem wanders, and suddenly the use of elegant language has become the focus when its the essence of the language that should be the focus; basically, too much rhyme can lead to the poem becoming superficial.

This doesn't mean that rhyme inherently causes a poem to lose its focus; it just means that sometimes it requires more effort to make a poem rhyme.
'Previously (Yours Without)'

Goodnight, prince of stability
I hope this finds you well
Years from now when dawns have passed
And I am just an empty shell

Goodnight, smiles of innocence
I pray you've not run far
In time we'll see the nature of life
Then we'll add another scar

Goodnight, strains of tarnished faith
Your air is moist with pain
If you survive I'm confident
There's disaster to be gained

Goodnight, violent cognizance
If ever you should wake
Things have not changed for better
And it is I that you should hate

Goodnight, brave assembly
Of pure and solid gold
Your glimmering failed to mesmerize
But your story will be told

Goodnight, land I dare not tread
You are too dark to see
Though those who tread you days from now
Will hide in your darkest trees

Goodnight, birth of singing lies
You bring me faith for all
For you can be avoided
But pain is none so small

Goodnight, lost and running child
Who bears the weight of worlds
Carelessly abandoning
Your troubles for a pearl

Goodnight, smiles I used to wear
You've worn your welcome thin
Nothing more will bring you back
As I'm peeling off this skin

Goodnight, sweet eternity
Goodnight, burning rain
Goodnight, all whom I've ever known
May we never meet again

Goodnight, prince of stability
I hope this finds you well…
Wow, real melancholy shit there. Makes me want to kill myself.

edit: More abstract erotic poetry

Dream of Nature

Let's lie under the dreaming tree
I wish to kiss the breathing fruit
And to touch the warmth of the flower

Your horizon is mine
I'll paint a skyline
With my hot silk tongue

Let's dream together
In ruby smoke
Serpentine squirming
Astral song

I feel the moisture of the blossom
Your lips cradle the sky
Your petals do the flower dance
I taste the breath like a summer night

I don't feel like it was ever finished, but I haven't been inspired to change it yet. It still needs to be filled in here and there.
Goodnight room
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon
Goodnight light and the red balloon

Goodnight bears
Goodnight chairs
Goodnight kittens and Goodnight mittens
Goodnight clocks and goodnight socks
Goodnight little house and Goodnight mouse

Goodnight comb
Goodnight brush
Goodnight bowl full of mush
Goodnight to the old lady whispering “hush”


Anyway, it was a pretty cool poem. Good use of metaphor and 2nd person. The repetition was effective in a sense, but overall it's a little overbearing imo.
Devasya Chāyā;8689800 said:
I wish to kiss the breathing fruit
And to touch the warmth of the flower


Devasya Chāyā;8689800 said:
Your horizon is mine
I'll paint a skyline
With my hot silk tongue

Okay, I'll admit, this was kinda clever. Would go great in an Aerosmith song, haha.
'Previously (Yours Without)'

Goodnight, prince of stability
I hope this finds you well
Years from now when dawns have passed
And I am just an empty shell

Goodnight, smiles of innocence
I pray you've not run far
In time we'll see the nature of life
Then we'll add another scar

Goodnight, strains of tarnished faith
Your air is moist with pain
If you survive I'm confident
There's disaster to be gained

Goodnight, violent cognizance
If ever you should wake
Things have not changed for better
And it is I that you should hate

Goodnight, brave assembly
Of pure and solid gold
Your glimmering failed to mesmerize
But your story will be told

Goodnight, land I dare not tread
You are too dark to see
Though those who tread you days from now
Will hide in your darkest trees

Goodnight, birth of singing lies
You bring me faith for all
For you can be avoided
But pain is none so small

Goodnight, lost and running child
Who bears the weight of worlds
Carelessly abandoning
Your troubles for a pearl

Goodnight, smiles I used to wear
You've worn your welcome thin
Nothing more will bring you back
As I'm peeling off this skin

Goodnight, sweet eternity
Goodnight, burning rain
Goodnight, all whom I've ever known
May we never meet again

Goodnight, prince of stability
I hope this finds you well…

I liked this. The rhyme and meter are suggestive of innocence or naiveté, but contrast harshly with the lyrics. It's a kind of macabre, twisted lullaby.

Here's something I've just finished my second draft of. I continually return to my pieces, so I can't guarantee that it's finished, but I'm much happier with this than with what I previously had:

"Narcissus: A Tragedy"

In fierce arms coursing with Gaia’s power
The river god swept up poor Liriope
And bound her limbs with heavy water.

Unkind day! It sank to hues of lavender
And dull flame
As Apollo’s chariot drew down the sun
In a wide arc that saw not the least of
Lust’s consequences; the humid air pregnant
With tension, prompting the pastoral swelters
To burst in passionate fervor; Cephisus drunk
On the naiad’s sweet elixirs following
The exhaustion of his seed
Through the effort of his currents.
And in this, the deepening twilight of the day,
The wet fronds dipped to drink the rich river
Which mulled on with languor in its spent state.

The seasons turned with celestial precision,
And on the river rolled, until its lover
Brought forth into the world the bounty of
Their union.

And in the darkling glen Cephisus crept,
Occasionally rising out his course
To indulge in carousal of the flesh,
For though he ever flowed in water’s guise
He sought the arousal of mortal skin
To soothe the steadily seething tempest of
His heart, and assuage the heaving rapids of
His scarcely bound and wild ferocity.

One day whilst reclining in the shade
He saw a face reflected in his waters;
So handsome, so immaculately made
That Cephisus stilled his current and his course
To preserve the image.
And in this mirrored gaze
He saw his beauty and his arrogance
Contained within the contours of a mortal,
Engendered in the aspects of a boy.
And here the river god, Cephisus, gaped
His wide-rimmed waters around the hapless child
And trapped him in a concave and spellbound embrace
Of mutual satisfaction and intrigue.
And here, appalled by that which he had made,
That icon of his sin and rage unbound,
The river god loomed quietly in the shade
And turned the forces of his flow around
So that they circled in and on themselves
And formed a pool around the gawking boy.

In the wood, silent as death, the foliage
Drooping in the weary heat of passion,
A lonely flower stoops. Nemesis prowls
Amidst the undergrowth, and still the hint
Of Echo’s anguished cries do haunt the glen,
Though nothing more than whispers on the wind.

allright, Got a question for ya'll. Bear with me here.

Ok I have this vision of abstract lyrics. The best example i have found was Lil Wayne's "A Milli". great lyrics, besides the bullshit gangster parts of it.But what fascinated me is the abstract flow ect

DO you have any recommendations for something similar?

EDIT: any tips on writing abstract lyrics? I guess Radiohead's Kid a lyrics might be a good reference point as well.
Depends on how the lyrics will be performed. And are you going for "totally abstract chaos" or "carefully constructed abstract art?"

I've never tried to write abstract lyrics, but sometimes I just write long stream of consciousness wank while listening to music and it seems logical that employing a similar technique --> interesting ideas --> mess with the sentence structure, omit pronouns and conjunctions here and there, and you have an abstract mess of lyrics.
Hmm, I think you could still get some good material from a nice stream of consciousness artsy fartsy wank session with MS Word open and some music playing. The song "Dazzle" by Siouxsie and the Banshees is a good soundtrack for such activity, and actually its lyrics are pretty abstract while still conveying something beautiful (at least IMHO).

The stars that shine and the stars that shrink
In the face of stagnation the water runs
Before your eyes...

Swallowing diamonds
A cutting throat
Your teeth when you grin
Reflecting beams on tombstones

A jamboree of surprises
Playing Russian roulette
Or the Lucky Dip
A clenched fist to your heart
Coal dust on your lungs

A silver tongue for the chosen one
Heavy magnum in your side or a bloody thorn
Skating bullets on angel dust
In a dead sea of fluid mercury
Baby piano cries
Under your heavy index & thumb
Pull some strings -- let them sing

The stars that shine and the stars that shrink
In the face of stagnation the water runs
Before your eyes...
Dazzle -- It's a glittering prize
Before your eyes...
It's a glittering prize...