Pointless Thread: Best Avatar

I like mine a lot cause it is one of the best video game characters ever! :tickled:
But, other than mine I really like Tyrant of Flames' cause it't another one of the best video game characters!
Originally posted by Katatonic289
i have to say i like mine a lot, but if you guys don't, it doesn't matter boo hoo:cry:
yours is cool in that it conjures a feeling, at least for me. to be honest, it makes me uncomfortable :goggly:, but hey, at least it gets noticed and has an effect.
Originally posted by Lina
mulholland, is yours from the straight story?! that's random! :lol:

? Random ?

So far I have not found an avatar which I want to keep for the rest of my life :loco: , so good old Alvin Straight will fit for now. Change is the only constant. And I never choose avatars in a random way.

D Mullholand
Actually, I change my vote to Katatonic289. This one is really great. Did you design it yourself or did you get it from somewhere ?

D Mullholand
I didn't mean "random" in a negative way. I meant that it's the last thing I would expect to see on an Opeth board from a guy in the Ukraine. I'm surprised this movie was shown over there -- it was only in a few theaters here.
Actually, I change my vote to Katatonic289. This one is really great. Did you design it yourself or did you get it from somewhere ?
Thanks, im gald to see someone noticed... haha
no, i didnt design it, but i would love to be as good at it as him. Its off a Travis Smith work from a Beseech album I think...
Originally posted by Katatonic289

Thanks, im gald to see someone noticed... haha
no, i didnt design it, but i would love to be as good at it as him. Its off a Travis Smith work from a Beseech album I think...

I knew I had seen it somewhere before. I love Beseech if you have not heard them I highly recommend them.
i really like metalmancpas, it was really the first avatar i noticed in this boards... so i think i would vote for metalmancpa..
and i erally like Morningrises one, i'm a huge FF fan! :grin:

and btw. mine is great to :lol:
Originally posted by metalmancpa
I like Lina's. An isolated feeling in a calm way
Yeah yeah yeah!! That's it! That's the ticket. Calm and isolated.

Nice one, Metalmancpa! ;)
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
I promoted my own av in some equally pointless thread on general chat or some other little forum (can't really remember) but docked myself points for lack of originality 'cause it kinda looks like the cover of "Tonight's Decision".

sorry, i don't want to offend someone, but everytime i read the letters "HH", especially in this old font, i have to think "heil hitler". nazis in germany also use 88 (which stands for HH) as their sign. but from your posts i conclude that you don't have to do anything with these dumbasses (you're too intelligent :D).
but i get caught by this goddamn thought every time i see the avatar...
sorry to shed a bad light on your artwork, hoser...