Poll: Anathema vs Amorphis


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Similar evolutionary path. Similar debate over clean vox.

Which of the two have fallen deeper into the 'mainstream' audience?

Kudos to Anathema btw for doing an ok cover of "Paranoid Android", although the vocals <<< Tom Yorke obviously. Based on this show, Vincent Cavanagh is NOT a great live performer by any means....

What's MORE interesting, however, is how the audience sang along with the song which in turn received the loudest applause from their otherwise Anathema song filled set list.

Perhaps this is a reflection of who's going to Anathema gigs these days. Not sure how far back Amorphis go with their setlists these days....
My opinion is void because of lack of experience with Anathema and later Amorphis, but in my opinion Amorphis wins by default just because of their older stuff.
Haven't heard the latest from either, but both Fine Day to Exit and Am Universum were the musical equivalent of the diarrhea I had on Tuesday.

I like both bands' early stuff, though. I've got to give Amorphis the nod because of Elegy and Tales, not to mention Karelian Isthmus, the two excellent EPs, and Tuonela.
I'd say Anathema is trying harder to win a non-metal audience (despite the latter being on a major label in Europe), but they still win out because I find their current material to be much more engaging than the last three Amorphis albums...
I dont think their evolutionary path is that similar.
Anathema started to create music for the masses, while Amorphis dived into space rock, 70s and totally praised Hawkwind.
Oh and Amorphis never turned their back on their past (they still play lots of stuff from Tales From The Thousand Lakes at their live shows. They are more genuine, "true", and sincere. Amorphis win.
SO uh, where's the poll?? Amorphis i say. And i guess i'm one of the few people who can appreciate their recent albums as well as the old ones. Although the new singer they have..... i don't know. Heard the band they got him from and i wasn't too impressed.
Word , Far from the sun is 100000000x catchier than any Anathema album
Erik said:
That's a heap of good ol' bullshit. Amorphis' latest two albums have been far more mainstream than the latest two Anathemas, though I dislike all of the above.

Anyway, the overall answer to the poll is Anathema
Amorphis' latest two albums have riffs and are AT LEAST hard rock oriented, more complex and musically rich. Anathema go on copying Radiohead and even more mellow stuff with simplistic structures.
Care to tell me how Amorphis are more mainstream now?
The "simple verse/chorus/verse bla bla" thing does not count. Even thrash/metal bands have this. Are they more mainstream than "non-conventional" Anathema? NO. Because its about the style more. Amorphis have hammonds, heavy guitars, 70s keyboards, weird atmospheres, RIFFS - all these are things an MTV fan cannot stand. But he can be more into Anathema's current style which is as you said - totally whimpy and mellow and gay and and and.. its MTV'S favourite rock style right now, and the most mainstream "alternative" sound of our days.
Topping the charts is not a sign of how mainstream the music is. The music itself can be mainstream and the band might fail on charts. Iron Maiden hit the charts too, Slayer also..but their MUSIC is not as mainstream as ANathema's sweet gay sounds are.
Hm right you present the charts of THEIR country? Right, good job. Moonspell also hit the TOP charts in Portugal (ONLY, as Amorphis hit the TOP Finnish charts ONLY), SO? You are just wrong.
And yes its SO obvious that hard rock/70s metal music is more MTV than Radiohead music.
You dont have to disagree just to disagree..
Amorphis was played alot next to nu-metal bands on the channel MuchLoud(the channel) over here awhile ago.

But besides that, Anathema gets my vote. I am one of the few who like A Fine Day To Exit.
I really like Anathema's change in direction. I think they are playing quite excellent modern rock. I didnt like their last album however. But Judgment, alternative 4, fine day to exit, are quite excellent and full of real emotion, something that is lost on most rock bands.

I think everyone needs to just accept they havent been a metal band in 7 or 8 years, and judge them for their new style.

Now I didnt mind Am Universam, but Far from the Sun was horribly boring. Didnt Amorphis just annouce they have a new singer or something?
Anathema. Even their worst newer stuff is still fun for me to listen to.

Erik: Are you saying Anathema doesn't even play anything off Alternative 4??? That album is one of my favorite albums of all time!
No I agree Erik, Alternative 4 and Judgment were their crowning acheivements; they developed their own unique sound, and it was quite excellent. Fine Day to Exit was the start to mediocrity ( although I do like it) , and the new one, like I said, and as Keeley has stated, was nothing more than a generic ripoff of Radiohead.

Still, just Alternative 4 and Judgment alone, are enough for me to choose Anathema. I guess both bands have lost their creativity.
Nate: Maybe they took a suggestion I read in a review that Pulled Under could replace it. I do like much of the last two, but especially on AND there's a lack of direction. I got a bootleg from the Judgement tour off an unofficial site, decent but not professional quality and a great set (half of Judgement and a generous helping of Alt4 and Eternity and it ends with covers of Nightmares By The Sea and Orion.)