How would you order these in preference (best to worst).
Selection criteria has to average out the best combination of both styles. For example, if you think Swano has excellent death growls but you can't stand his clean vocals, someone else with 'above average' quality of both styles would appear higher in the list.
- Dan Swano
- Michael Akerfeld
- Peter Tagtren
- Grutle Kjellson
- Quorthon
- Garm
- Simen Hestnaes
- Vintersorg
- AA Nemtheanga
- Other?? (probably forgetting someone significant here...)
Also, for your #1 vocalist, provide the best example (album or song) of where their 'death' + 'clean' vocals are on display.
Selection criteria has to average out the best combination of both styles. For example, if you think Swano has excellent death growls but you can't stand his clean vocals, someone else with 'above average' quality of both styles would appear higher in the list.
- Dan Swano
- Michael Akerfeld
- Peter Tagtren
- Grutle Kjellson
- Quorthon
- Garm
- Simen Hestnaes
- Vintersorg
- AA Nemtheanga
- Other?? (probably forgetting someone significant here...)
Also, for your #1 vocalist, provide the best example (album or song) of where their 'death' + 'clean' vocals are on display.