POLL: Your Favourite song off "Woods III"

What's your favourite song off "Woods III"?

  • Northern Cold

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Iron Grudge

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Through Chaos and Solitude I Came...

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Years of Silence (& the Private Joke)

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Distractions of Living Alone

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • Deepest Roots: The Belief that All is Lost

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Darkest Blues: The Relief that Nothing Can be Done

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Thrill of the Struggle

    Votes: 13 31.7%
  • December in Windsor

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Trillium: The Third of Three Winters 2004-2007 (Instrumnental)

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Song of Redemption

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • End of Tradition

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • To Lock Eyes with a Wild Beast

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Mistakes Artists Make (The Dream is Dead!!!)

    Votes: 6 14.6%

  • Total voters
Beyond impossible to choose only 3 songs from an album of 10/10 tracks.
I chose Darkest Blues: The Relief that Nothing can be Done, December in Windsor, and Trillium (instrumental) as my 3 but really
The Northern Cold, Distractions of Living Alone, Thrill of the Struggle, and End of Tradition are all my favourites.
Since i've only had the chance to give the album one spin so far, i'll be putting off voting for a little while yet. There's a lot of music to absorb!

Is there any chance of finding out which songs David and the band like best/are most proud of?
At this moment my favorite songs are:

Your Ontario Town is a Burial Ground
Through Chaos and Solitude I Came
December in Windsor

However every song is AMAZING so these choices might change after listening to the album some more.
Waaaay too early to vote for just three! I just got the cd today, and at facebook I deliberately just listened to those 8 songs a few times, to make that moment when I first put the cd on the stereo, that much more special. And what a fucking moment!!! The whole cd, from end to end, is so fucking....*put the coolest word you know, here*!!!
It´s gonna take me at least a week to figure out which song is more fantastic than all the rest....
I voted Distractions of Living Alone (definitely my favourite), and then Thrill and Ontario Town, though I really wanted to vote for Years of Silence too.
For the time being I've voted Mistakes Artists Make (The Dream is Dead), Thrill of the Struggle and December in Windsor. The intro to to Mistakes Artists Make is one of the most powerful pieces of music I've heard in ages and the vocals (and lyrics) around 2:20 in December in Windsor are brilliant.
I didn't know you could vote for 3, cause I'm an idiot and didn't read, but I voted for Through Chaos And Solitude I Came...

Its definitely my favorite song on the album, hands down, even though I love the whole thing. I've listened to the whole album at least 5 times, and some songs more than that, and on every listen it has stood out beyond all the others. I think the biggest reason for that is that for that track I can really relate to the ideas conveyed, that idea that Black Metal is something more than just music, it transcends into your mind, and it permeates your experiences. Even though Woods may not be the most "tr00" sounding Black Metal band, they have risen up above other bands in grasping the concept of black metal and brought it into their own personal expression of it.
Too early to vote since the cd arrived after work yesterday. I put it on my iPod and have listened to DRADB 4 times. Looking forward to cranking the cd on the drive in on Monday.

When Pursuit came out I was in South Korea and loved putting the disc in the discman for a KTX trip to Seoul or Busan. Or, on a weekend trip to Japan. Now, I'm back in Canada and it's odd listening to music that reminds me of living in another country.

Immediate impression? Accessible. Yes. The most accessible WOY to date. Mind you these are old school ears the music is traveling into. Sad Wings, Rising, Piece of Mind etc.
Its definitely my favorite song on the album, hands down, even though I love the whole thing. I've listened to the whole album at least 5 times, and some songs more than that, and on every listen it has stood out beyond all the others. I think the biggest reason for that is that for that track I can really relate to the ideas conveyed, that idea that Black Metal is something more than just music, it transcends into your mind, and it permeates your experiences. Even though Woods may not be the most "tr00" sounding Black Metal band, they have risen up above other bands in grasping the concept of black metal and brought it into their own personal expression of it.

Right on man, you get it! Obviously I knew there would be some people having a problem with a clean singing chorus and saying the words "black metal" in a "black metal" song (they do, they've already been e-mailing me about it, haha!), but that's us, that's WoY, and that song best represents our idea of what black metal can be and the source of our inspiration. :kickass:
Right on man, you get it! Obviously I knew there would be some people having a problem with a clean singing chorus and saying the words "black metal" in a "black metal" song (they do, they've already been e-mailing me about it, haha!), but that's us, that's WoY, and that song best represents our idea of what black metal can be and the source of our inspiration. :kickass:
I know you are the last person who needs to hear this judging by the lyrics to some of these songs, but fuck people and their opinions. You've made a great album, and for anything great, there are those who will tear it down. Because for some reason hating things that others like is cool. OK, I'll stop now before it becomes a rant :p
^ Thats like my... 5th favourite song. Maybe 6th to Song of Redemption, haha. And seriously I think its an amazing song. Too many good ones.