Polyrhythmic Drumming


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Somebody recently posted in a thread with some questions about how to go about creating polyrhythmic drum patterns, unfortunately I cannot find the original post.

I just got my newsletter from Per at oddgrooves.com and there is a tutorial on Polyrhythmic Theory this month with some video examples.

I thought some might be interested in it. Also - not sure if you are familiar with oddgrooves, but they have some really great MIDI drum grooves fro more progressive music.

Here is the link to the tutorial: Polyrhythmic Theory: Fives

Hope it helps.

another thing you can do is send a message to travis orbin (sky eats airplane, ex periphery)

he has drum groove exersices that help you train your brain and limbs to start getting used to polyrhytms. they come in guitar pro midi and i believe txt files written out. its like $10 or sumthin
Sweet! Thanks a lot. You were probably thinking of my post. My problem is with CREATING the patterns. Most of the time I can play something after I hear & practice it enough. I just cant figure out where this stuff comes from. It isnt a natural creative flow for me at this point. Its like I would need to sit down with a pen & paper and write out what I want to play. Does anyone actually do this? I've yet to try it, but nothing else has worked for me yet lol.
Its like I would need to sit down with a pen & paper and write out what I want to play. Does anyone actually do this? I've yet to try it, but nothing else has worked for me yet lol.

I do this sometimes - I am a very visual person by nature and taking a piece of paper and a pencil and writing out even just what I would call a slash pattern of a rhythm I have in my head helps me immensely when it comes time to turn it into MIDI data. Hell, I even do the same thing with guitar rhythms as it helps me to visualize the rhythmic timing.