Pop music

Music is Art.This is not Art this is just a item that is made to make as much money as possible.They say nothing,they have nothing to say,they sound all the same.
Originally posted by Rabenreich
Music is Art.This is not Art this is just a item that is made to make as much money as possible.They say nothing,they have nothing to say,they sound all the same.

I totally agree.....
when i turn on the tv or i am somewhere outside and i hear always the same shitty "songs" it seems like they're killing art/music :(
hehe, i think everyone will give the same answer so let´s change the subject a little bit: why do you listen to ´alternative´ music??? and what do you think it´s important for good music

for me, music have to put me away fro the real world, kind of escapism... or the music must have something to say with lyrics
Skyclad has par example very good lyrics...
only the reason that the pop is not for the music... it's for the beautiful look of the singers, the cloths the make-up and all the things around it.
i can't say anything about the music and the lyrics because it's really not my taste and i dont feel any connection to this style so i can't judge.
but if it make people feel like i feel when i'm listen to metal..
i hope the pop keep on for this people
i only can say that i feel some connection to the old madona pop.. i really like this style.
Originally posted by YMIR
hehe, i think everyone will give the same answer so let´s change the subject a little bit


...even in the world of pop music are some serious musicians, who care about good lyrics and putting their heart into their music...

... same with the alternative scene...

It's all a matter of taste!!!

*Morg dislike blaspheme against different music genres*
I think..everyone should listen to the music he like...

I don´t really like pop music...but I don`t "fight" against people who listen to it...

I must find feelings in music...and the lyrics must be good ( I must like them)...and I´ll live out me and my feelings in music... ;)
What I hate about popmusic is that it's made to sell.
I feel sorry for the people who get a record-deal and
then get told what to play and do. I don't think all pop
music is manufactured. There are a lot of bands out
there who love playing pop :eek:)

Then, what I love about pop is how easy it is... It can
get annoying when you hear a song for the third time
in one day, but if you avoid that it's easy back ground
music! hehe... Though I tend to go more for rock and
indie when I need easy stuff...
Yeah, in pop music the looks are very important I think, it's sad that many people care more about how the band looks then the music... and music is important nowadays. The media say what people have to listen to and many people believe them.. when you listen to alternative music this people think you're from an other planet. Well, that is what happen to me...

@Morgana: well, sorry I mean the commercial pop music. You're right with saying that there are pop bands who care about good lyrics and don't care about looks...
Hmm, maybe we can use this thread too for posting good pop bands. What pop bands do you like??? Maybe there are some good unknown bands who can't come into the hit parade because the give more about the music then the looks...

I am open minded, it's bad that I start this thread little wrong but nevermind..
I'm a very open minded person that listen to alot of genres, from the extreme metal to ambient.Jazz, rock, electronic, folk..etc are also essential in my listening.

But I draw my line when it's not about artistry anymore. I'm so serious with my artistry and are really anoyed when bands are adapting their sound to the market, instead of adjusting it to their feelings and awareness.

Just take the new J-Lo song "Jennie from the block", she have become so famous that the record company are afraid that the young and hip people will not buy as she's become such a star not connected to the people at all. So then they make her to do a song like the mentioned, to try to get cred in the street people. It's just an awful way to make music. WEll, it more entertainment than music really, not a single grain of honest artistry.

mr V
Could we add some rock here too? Cause I don't really
listen to pop pop... more like pop rock :eek:) hehehe...

I'll start:

I love Fuel --> www.fuelweb.com
Their "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" is fantastic,
and easy to love :eek:) Reminds me a bit of Live :eek:)

Oh, and The Music are just brilliant! You can't have
missed them if you watch a little bit of mtv :eek:)
"Getaway" is just beautiful, and the musicvid too! :eek:)
They don't have a sample of it on their site, but try
this one -->The Music - Take the Long Road and Walk it

Mercury Rev - "Goddess on a Hiway" ... I'm unable to
find a place where you can stream/download this song :eek:/

Oh, and I am sure you've all heard Radiohead? Heroes.
I am openminded, but I refuse to listen to rap/pop/etc. on principle. It's too stripped down for me to listen to. You can't say that its bad because its trying to be catchy, because thats what most metal is too. Pop is just much, much more simple than metal.
I like listening to a lot of genres... it´s great listening first to an album of Gorefest and then some classical music of Grieg. It gives me kind of universal feeling when I listening to a lot of genres.

Further I like a lot of folk music and symphonic rock of Camel and Genesis.

Hmm, to talk about genesis, it´s said that they (like most bands of this era did) make pop music now insread of symphonic rock. I think theye old albums are really beautyful till they began with playing pop music. The new songs are good but sounds so commercial. Sometimes I like a pop song but the production is far over the top.
Another example: Sting, exellent musician, a lot of beautyful songs but then the production. It sucks big times!! Sometimes the production make a good song bad. It takes the soul of music away.
Originally posted by DeepInMisery
I hate it when new boring swedish bands emerge (read "mando diao"), and get saluted by the "musik-recensenterna". how sickening. :(

Out of all the bands/groups in Sweden you have to pick Mando Diao as an example of a bad one? I, for one, think they are quite OK! Absolutely nothing I would consider buying, but they don't bother me like so many other bands do. I mean, Mando Diao play real instruments and actually have some sort of musical talent. In short, it seems to me they put their hearts into what they are doing. Oh well.. This post was rather meaningless. :D
Do you think there are people who only listen to metal music???

I don`t think so...

I listen to the music I like...so simple is it :)
Most of the music is metal...but there is although some gothic rock music, folk music (middle ages music)...and single songs from sorts like EBM and so on...
There are ppl who listen only to metal, sadly. The tr00 metal heads. I have a friend that is one. He get on my nerves sometimes. If you are tr00, don't take offence! Just don't hate on stuff other than metal that doesn't deserve it!