
If I put in my real name it comes out as Kat Fun Bags, which is a big NO.
But when I put in Kitty Star it comes out as Monica Kitty. This I can handle.

Max Dick? That rules so much.
xfer said:
yeah except that it sounds pretty gay!

It could be taken that way I suppose. But I chose not to see it that way. It would shatter alot of things in my life if you were gay. You aren't gay, are you?

I always used the "Middle name and name of the street you live on" method of porn star naming. Using that my porn name is Michelle San Pablo. I like that one much better.
he is gay in more ways than you can imagine.

Kitty Star said:
I always used the "Middle name and name of the street you live on" method of porn star naming. Using that my porn name is Michelle San Pablo. I like that one much better.
Pierre Ste-Marie... definitly not as catchy as Frank "the Fuck"

However, Pierre Ste-Marie = Willie Thick
